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The NEW OXFORD REVIEW is an orthodox Catholic magazine that explores ideas concerning faith and culture. Under the patronage of St. Vincent Pallotti, the NOR publishes 10 issues a year (monthly except for combined January-February and July-August issues), both in print and online.
The NEW OXFORD REVIEW was founded in 1977 as an Anglo-Catholic magazine in the Anglican tradition, taking its name from the 19th-century Oxford Movement. Inspired by the Movement’s leading luminary, St. John Henry Newman, and the dynamic papacy of St. John Paul II, the NOR converted to Roman Catholicism in 1983.
The NEW OXFORD REVIEW addresses all the challenges facing Holy Mother Church in our time and does so with unswerving loyalty to her Magisterium. Over the years some of the leading Christian thinkers have contributed to our effort to shine the light of faith in an increasingly hostile world, including Fr. James V. Schall, Peter Kreeft, Germain Grisez, Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Robert Coles, Russell Shaw, Stanley Hauerwas, Msgr. George A. Kelly, Thomas Molnar, and many others. The NOR continues to present the brightest minds in Catholic journalism. Each issue is packed with intellectual vibrancy, a wide array of topics, and zeal for Christ.
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The NOR is a nonprofit religious organization and has 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service.
Editorial, Business, and Subscription Office:
1069 Kains Ave., Berkeley CA 94706
Phone: (510) 526-5374
New Oxford Review Inc.
Founding Editor
Dale Vree +
Pieter Vree
Associate Editor
Barbara E. Rose
Managing Editor
Elena M. Vree
Asst. Managing Editor
Magdalena Moreno
Web Editor
Barbara E. Rose
Copy Editors
Elizabeth Hanink
Stephen J. Kovacs
Contributing Editors
Christopher Beiting
Judie Brown
Casey Chalk
James G. Hanink
Will Hoyt
Karl Keating
A. James McAdams
David Vincent Meconi
Monica Migliorino Miller
David Mills
Jason M. Morgan
John A. Perricone
Michael S. Rose
Richard Upsher Smith Jr.
Thomas Storck
William J. Tighe
In Memoriam
Robert N. Bellah +
Tom Bethell +
L. Brent Bozell +
Christopher Derrick +
Avery Dulles +
Jean Bethke Elshtain +
Edwin Fussell +
Anne Barbeau Gardiner +
Raymond T. Gawronski +
Thomas Howard +
Mitchell Kalpakgian +
Christopher Lasch +
John Lukacs +
Frederick W. Marks +
William D. Miller +
Henri J.M. Nouwen +
Walker Percy +
James J. Thompson Jr. +
Sheldon Vanauken +
Alice von Hildebrand +
Kenneth D. Whitehead +
Gordon C. Zahn +
Opinions expressed in the NEW OXFORD REVIEW are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Board of Directors of New Oxford Review Inc. or the persons listed on this masthead.
All letters, parts of letters, or notes pertaining to this magazine or its contents are considered to be offered for possible publication unless marked “Not for publication.”
The NEW OXFORD REVIEW assumes no liability for return of unsolicited manuscripts or material.
The NEW OXFORD REVIEW is indexed in Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature, and Index to Book Reviews in Religion.
Those who have material of whatever kind accepted for publication must recognize it is always an editor’s prerogative to edit and shorten said material.