New Oxford Notes: November 2012
The "Big" Little Papyrus Fragment
The recent find of a small papyrus piece that quotes Jesus saying "my wife" is the latest to make a temporary media sensation before fading into obscurity like other, similar discoveries.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.There Goes the Village
Not long after the same-sex marriage battles have begun we are beginning to hear promotion of polygamy, three-parent laws, and even talk of legal incest.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.More Valuable Than Money
The Church's teaching office is highly centralized, but her finances are highly decentralized -- making for a system prone to mismanagement and abuse.
Mankind exhibits a passion for knowledge and freedom, and an inveterate tendency to be seduced by counterfeits of knowledge and freedom.
GivingCart's mission is "to support approved Catholic parishes or organizations, auxiliaries connected to the Catholic Church."
"Clock boy" Ahmed Mohamed may have a promising career ahead of him, not as an engineer or an inventor but as a social agitator and propagandist.