New Oxford Notes: October 2010
Another Revolution in the Church! (Yawn)
Have you heard the news? There's a new revolution in the Church! It's been started by, of all people, a little old lady from County Cork.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Shrewd as Serpents, Innocent as Doves
Foreseeing the onslaught of distorted media coverage of the papal visit to Britain a group of fiathful Catholics banded together to set the record straight.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Get Married, Save the Economy
A report by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office stated that legalization of same-sex marriage in all fifty states would generate a huge tax windfall.
Catholic Traditionalists... I Had No Idea... Is Immigration Prolife?... Evolutionism, Not Evolution... Not What the Church Intended... Young Catholics Yearn for the Transcendental...
When the board of an institution has determined for prudential reasons to relocate the institution to another state, does a minority of the faculty have a say?
Church doctrine regarding contraception is one of the least understood and accepted parts of her conjugal and sexual ethics.