New Oxford Notes: February 2008
The Future Has Arrived
The Tridentine Latin Mass is "catching on among young Catholics.... it is a hit with younger priests and their parishioners."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.A Perplexing Political Potpourri
The U.S. bishops have buried the burning political issues of the day under an avalanche of lesser considerations.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Emasculate and Effeminate Priesthood
A manly man wants to do manly things -- he doesn't secretly wish to be a nursing mother. An effeminate man does!
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Prostitutes in Portsmouth?
Bishop Crispian Hollis wants to legalize brothels. But, says Bishop Hollis, "that's not to say that I approve of prostitution."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.'Rebellion Against the Pope'
A number of English bishops, including the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, is displeased with Summorum Pontificum.
Review of The One Minute Philosopher
Rome - or Beach Blanket Babylon... Catholicism Is Y2K-Compliant... But Are Catholics B.C./A.D.-Compliant?... Speak Ye Uncomfortably to Jerusalem... Billy Graham's Crumbling Journalistic Legacy... Number One in Spirituality?
Men and women who are knocking on the doors of novitiates bring with them the expectations of their postmodern culture of affluence, but they also seek God.