Volume > Issue > Note List > The Department of Defense -- Porn Trafficker

The Department of Defense — Porn Trafficker

The National Catholic Register (Sept. 13, 2006) reported that “In Iraq…pornography — including Internet porn — [is] banned for enlisted personnel out of sensitivity to adherents of the country’s dominant religion, Islam.”

According to www.citizenlink.org (Aug. 29, 2007), “The U.S. Congress passed a law in 1996 forbidding the sale of sexually explicit material on military bases, but it turns out the military uses a lenient definition of what constitutes such material” (italics added).

Pat Trueman of the Alliance Defense Fund, outraged by the military’s flaunting of the law, took action: “About 40 pro-family leaders sent a letter to [Defense] Secretary [Robert] Gates asking that he enforce the law.” The letter was answered by the Defense Department, which (according to citizenlink.org) “declared that about 10 titles — including Playboy and Penthouse — did not meet the definition of sexually explicit and would continue to be sold.”

Trueman said, “It’s something that’s patently ridiculous on its face. The Department of Defense wants to sell pornography, and even though the law prohibits them, they found a way to do it.”

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