New Oxford Notes: November 2002
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
"Psst! Hey kid, wanna buy a cup o' joe — real cheap? In a cool styrofoam cup!"
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."A Regime of Hypocrisy & Indifference"
Can the sorry performance of many of our U.S. bishops with regard to the priestly sex scandals be traced to a "culture of silence"?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Ham-Fisted Homosexualist Propaganda for Catholic High Schoolers
Students observe silence as a way to support homosexual "rights."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Goodbye, "New Evangelization"
Fr. Neuhaus thinks the whole priest scandal thing can just be brushed off.
The Texture of the Real
Review of Confessions of an Original Sinner
Atheism Cloaked in Religion
Although Karen Armstrong pretends to speak for religion, even Richard Dawkins concluded that she is as much an atheist as he is.
Letter to the Editor: November 1999
Catholic Higher Education: Sad & Sick... The Discriminatory Concept of "Hate Crimes"... War: Not "Just," But "Necessary"... We Need a Kick in the Pants... Mean-Spirited ... Toward Clarifying the Religious Liberty Quandary...