Volume > Issue > Note List > Right From the Mare's Mouth

Right From the Mare’s Mouth

The American Catholic is a newspaper that forthrightly calls itself “progressive.” Its August-September 1999 issue carries an interview with Mary E. Hunt — a Catholic and a forthright feminist liberation theologian — about the Holy See’s silencing of Sr. Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent because of their “gay-positive” views.

Hunt is a “lesbian,” she tells us, who lives in a “longterm monogamous committed relationship.” She says that homosexual acts performed in such a context are morally “good.”

Hunt proceeds to “absolutely, categorically condemn” the Holy See’s silencing of Gramick and Nugent, saying that the Church’s worldview is “outdated.”

Hunt stresses that the Church’s opposition to homosexual acts is “deeply connected” to the Church’s opposition to priestesses: “When you think about the [Church’s] position on ordination and why women can’t be ordained, it’s predicated on the bride and bridegroom imagery. The Church is the bride, the priest is the bridegroom and God forbid we have two brides!”

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