1999 February
And the Verdict Is…
READ ARTICLELetter to the Editor: February 1999
Clowns at Calvary?... Informing the World... May "It" Go Away...
READ ARTICLEThe Language of the Body & the Mass
We may stand for someone we decidedly do not revere. Kneeling, however, is a clear signal of reverence and even worship.
READ ARTICLEThe Looming Civil War Over Abortion
Either Christianity will rebaptize the heart of the nation or secularism will drive out Christianity, but one or the other will be victorious.
READ ARTICLEHow to Form a Catholic Mind
We may be unwittingly of two minds or three minds precisely where our mind should be one.
READ ARTICLEThe Martyrs of Gorcum
READ ARTICLEVisits to "Purgatory"
I bring comfort to nursing home patients but I gain comfort from them as well. I witness moments of grace and even of heroism.
READ ARTICLEIs Hell Closed Up & Boarded Over?
Where eternal rewards and punishments are concerned, are we more tenderhearted and clear-eyed than our forebears in faith -- than God Himself?
READ ARTICLEThe Sexual Revolution Is Doomed
Not to know God is not to know nature or your own nature – to trade the abnormal for the normal, to choose sterility over abundance.
READ ARTICLENo Premarital Sex? It's News to Catholic Students
In a place where young minds are supposed to be in training, the bodies are apparently active and the minds are apparently unengaged.
READ ARTICLEThe Decadence of the Feminese Dialect
READ ARTICLE"Deja Vu All Over Again": The Return of Paganism
The Roman historian Livy observed: "We can neither endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them."
READ ARTICLEConverting the Pagans
What happened during the thousand years from Constantine to Jogaila that made Europe Christian? And how did it work?
READ ARTICLESt. Thomas More: No Common Grounder
More was an orthodox stalwart willing to die in a “battle to preserve England’s thousand-year communion with the see of Peter.”
READ ARTICLEBriefly: February 1999
Reviews of The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom... Henri Nouwen: A Restless Searching for God... Malcolm Muggeridge: A Biography... Toward a Theology of the Body...