1999 June
Letter to the Editor: June 1999
Russell Shaw: Lukewarm, Unreliable & Uninspired... Suburban Catholic Schlock... Clowns on Good Friday!... Can't Stand It Any Longer... Roundabout Endorsement Rounds 'em Up... Father Flapdoodle: Humorous, but Not Funny... Fellow Catholics in Iraq...
READ ARTICLEMaking the Holy Mass a Generic Worship Service In a Generic Worship Space?
We should take the Catholic adage ‘what you pray is what you believe’ as an urgent warning.
READ ARTICLEGod Be in My Hand -- or on My Tongue?
In Church law, the communicant has the right to receive on the tongue or in the hand, and the further right to receive standing or kneeling.
READ ARTICLEThe Carthusian Martyrs of London
READ ARTICLENeither Statism nor Individualism
If we are to subject all our being, thinking, and living to Christ and His Church, we cannot ignore the existence of Catholic social teaching.
READ ARTICLERunning to Do Evil
This interesting sin, based on Proverbs 6:18, means embracing evil enthusiastically instead of being drawn into it reluctantly.
READ ARTICLE‘Til Annulment Do Us Part?
Reviews of One Hundred Answers to Your Questions on Annulments... What God Has Joined Together: The Annulment Crisis in America
READ ARTICLESelf-Obsessed "Spirituality"
Review of After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950s
READ ARTICLEBriefly: June 1999
Reviews of The Rosary of Our Lady... The Mass Explained to Children... Growth of the Liberal Soul... The Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell... Pilgrim Law... Christianity and American Freemasonry... Sexual Wisdom: A Guide for Parents, Young Adults, Educators, and Physicians...