1986 July-August
Letters to the Editor: July-August 1986
Terminology... Intellectually Shabby, Untruthful, Spiritually Tacky, Etc... The Ugly Side of Buddhism... A Case of Courage... For Capital Punishment... The Man Behind The Articles... Inspiring Professor... No Smelly Ideologies... and more
READ ARTICLEWeakness Amid Strength: The Roman Catholic Paradox
We Catholics have nowhere near the influence that our numbers and organization would suggest. Man for man, woman for woman, the U.S. Catholic community has a surprisingly modest impact on American public life.
READ ARTICLEThe New Right & the Pro-life Movement: How Solid is the Marriage?
March for Life organizer Nellie Gray had little patience with those who would solicit pro-life support simply to boost the bomb, bolster corporate profits, or get fluoride out of the water.
READ ARTICLESurveillance of the Unborn: A Human Rights Issue
While the March of Dimes may do valuable work toward helping conquer birth defects, other unborn handicapped children are denied life because of its support of prenatal testing.
READ ARTICLEThomas Hardy, the Populist
When Thomas Hardy’s "Jude the Obscure" was published, Victorian England was hardly ready to accept that novel’s story of a love affair between cousins.
READ ARTICLETrivialized Sex, Cheap Film
Hollywood's standard view of sexuality frequently works against a film’s best intentions. Is all the bed-hopping supposed to have any real significance?
READ ARTICLEReligion & Race in the South
In 1986 the Alabama legislature voted to observe the third Monday of each year in commemoration of both General Lee and Martin Luther King Jr.
READ ARTICLEChesterton: A Literary Babe Ruth
GKC won not only a popular following but also the respect and admiration — if not always the agreement — of serious intellectual and literary figures of his time.
READ ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: July-August 1986
The Battle for the Trinity: The Debate Over Inclusive God-Language... The Unbound Spirit: God’s Universal Sanctifying Works... Socialism and America... Gazing on Truth: Meditations on Reality... The Courage to Be Chaste