Envy of the Empty Air
Of what do they dream
— the white-robed monks?
while we
with half-shaped forms
from night’s pale palette
and sigh:
how sweeter than a monk’s dream
could sweet be?
and draw the covers tight
against the cold.
Dreams of our own
by day, by night,
work dark
their untold words
in our unwilling
We sleep a sleep that does not feed
within a night that does not hide;
and in the dark
the mirrored heart reflects upon itself.
Yet what do they dream?
— the cloistered monks
who have
no day like ours
to populate their
(…Dream praise and halleluiahs,
Dream six-winged seraphed love,
Dream chrisom child’s anthem
sung slow and clear and soft,
Dream saints’ all-haloed glory,
Dream Resurrection’s gift,
Dream dreams of life eternal
as long as they shall live?)
We sigh:
No sweeter than a monk’s dream
can sweet be
and draw the covers tight
against the cold.
But what if we’re wrong
and sleep-filled monks
dream of
the long dark space
between themselves and
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Evidently a man of coarse, even slovenly, personal habits, Auden was as meticulous as T.S. Eliot in the precision of his verse.