The Truth about Kamala Harris on Abortion

She dodges and deflects on this question to make her extremism look 'moderate'


Life Issues

In her debate answers on abortion, Kamala Harris showed how she will dodge and deflect on this question to make her pro-abortion extremism look “moderate.” Catholics need to be clear about — and tells others — how Kamala Harris (and Democrats) lie about abortion.

Harris says she will “reinstate Roe v. Wade.” Roe held any restrictions on abortion unconstitutional. Democrats will pretend that Roe prevents abortions after “viability.” But what they won’t say is that Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Doe v. Bolton define “health” so elastically that any reason at all will be defined as undermining a woman’s “health.” So, in point of fact, the “restriction” Roe supposedly allows is, in fact, an empty restriction, a label without content.

Harris (and the ABC commentator) claims that there are no “executions” of born children. What’s behind this? A child about to be aborted in the ninth month might survive an abortion. What happens if that injured child survives? Current practice (the kind Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam defended in 2019) tolerates medical negligence: leave the child alone, let nature take its course, and let that child die. (Even a neglected healthy newborn, unattended, will die). When Congress sought to require that an extra doctor be present to care for a child possibly born as a result of a late-term abortion, Democrats blocked the proposal in Congress over 50 times. When he was a state legislator, Barack Obama fought such a law in Illinois. And Kamala Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, in 2023 reduced the legal standard for protection of newborns under Minnesota law.

Harris will not admit she supports abortion-on-demand for any or no reason through birth because that sounds extreme. It is extreme — but she just don’t want to sound extreme. Her supporters want good vibes, not truth.

What is absolutely necessary is clear talk about when human life begins. Harris benefits from not addressing that question clearly because it allows her not to say she denies the unborn child is human. But a woman is not the only person involved in an abortion. Abetting this conspiracy of silence furthers the abortionists’ claim that the unborn child has no more significance than an appendix or an abscessed tooth. Let’s stop engaging in this pretend game in the name of feigning “sympathy” with women.

Harris will spend the next fifty days confusing and pretending otherwise. Catholics have a responsibility to make clear what the truth is. We need to make sure Harris can’t lie her way through the campaign on this issue. Share this post with at least one other person. Let’s get the truth out!


John M. Grondelski (Ph.D., Fordham) was former associate dean of the School of Theology, Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. All views expressed herein are exclusively his.

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