The Dogma Lives Loudly in Democrats
Anti-Christianity, especially anti-Catholicism, is still the last respectable prejudice
“The dogma lives loudly in you” was the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s 2017 summary of now-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith when she was nominated for a Court of Appeals position. Feinstein was rightly criticized at the time for what sounded like — and was — anti-Catholic bias.
The latest addition to the Democrat hit parade of anti-Christian motifs is a January 6 letter (here) by Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren to Trump Defense Secretary-nominee Pete Hegseth. Warren, who is now ranking minority member of the Armed Services Committee, is signaling everything she doesn’t like about the nominee.
But there’s one thing I don’t like about Senator Warren’s laundry list. She attacks Hegseth for the tattoo on his arm of a Jerusalem cross with the words “Deus vult.” Warren notes that when a National Guard member saw the tattoo in 2021, Hegseth was removed from the 2021 Biden presidential inauguration as an “insider threat” because the design is “’a Christian expression associated with right-wing extremism.’” (Warren even cites a Reuters news story (here) to bolster the claim.) From that, the senator from Massachusetts concludes, “We cannot have a Defense Secretary whose fellow service members feel concerned enough to report as a potential insider threat.”
We’ll prescind from the culture of woke snitching that Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin cultivated under their watch in the Defense Department. We won’t even ask if a National Guardsmen who reported a serviceman in a servicewoman’s bathroom might not have instead been sent to the appropriate struggle session for woke remediation.
The Jerusalem Cross — like the “Appeal to Heaven” flag (see here) possibly borne by some of Massachusetts’ patriots at Bunker Hill 250 years ago this year — has now become proscribed, evidence of a “Christian nationalism” that is America’s “greatest threat” according to Washington Democrats. (As for New Orleans on January 1, nothing to see there, folks! Just worry about foaming-at-the-mouth-white-Christian-nationalists!)
Let me suggest a counternarrative: This whole affair is evidence that the dogma of anti-Christianity and especially anti-Catholicism lives loudly among Democrats. It’s the last respectable prejudice (even among apparently self-hating Catholic Democrats, for whom the emphasis has always been on the noun, never the adjective). It wasn’t the Republican Governor of Iowa who last fall produced an online parody of Communion just prior to the election. It was the Democrat Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.
Given that many of these attacks also come from politicians upset that Roe v. Wade was overturned (Elizabeth Warren is an enemy of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers), should we ask whether this anti-Christian bias is a particular virus among female Democratic politicians?
Incidentally, at the end of her diatribe, Warren asks Hegseth four questions focused on the state of schools for DoD-dependent children. Among her allergies are “specifically, will you make any effort to include additional ‘classical Christian education’ in that curriculum” and, if so, “how will you make these changes while ensuring that all children of servicemembers — regardless of their religion — receive equal treatment?” When it comes to schools, Leftist Democrats are the equivalent of Stasi death strip guards, eager to gun down (assault weapons bans notwithstanding) anybody treading on their Berlin Wall of Church/state separation.
I think Warren owes Hegseth an apology for her insinuations about his tattoo. I doubt he’ll get it. Rather, let’s see whether she decides to ask Hegseth during his confirmation hearing whether he has ever considered collaborating with that dangerous “all-male society” of misanthropes that opposes “a woman’s right to choose,” a clandestine cabal called out in 2018 during a Senate hearing by then California Senator Kamala Harris. You know: the Knights of Columbus.
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