A Whole Other Electorate

63 million Americans never got a chance to vote, or even to breathe

Election integrity has been in the news a lot these past few years. A cloud long hung over the 2016 presidential election, for example. Did the Russians throw the contest in favor of Trump? Did James Comey and the FBI do the same by opening a probe into Hillary Clinton’s aide’s creepy husband’s laptop in the run-up to the voting? Did Facebook help tip the scales, too?

Then came 2020, and the voter-fraud talk spiked. We heard all about rigged voting machines, mail-in ballot harvesting, and people voting multiple times. The president’s lawyers staged a massive media blitz. There was a riot at the Capitol over the allegations. Some wanted to hang the vice president to keep him from validating the results. There were lawsuits in abundance. Suspicions were thick and barbed. Even today, what happened in 2020 is in dispute. Were there election inconsistencies in Wisconsin? In Arizona? Did Facebook swing the needle in the other direction this time? And what about mainstream media and social-media companies burying the Hunter Biden laptop story just weeks before the election?

In all of this talk about voter fraud and stolen elections (and I haven’t even mentioned the 2000 presidential election, when the fate of the country hung by a hanging chad), we forget the worst voter fraud our nation has ever witnessed. Over the past nearly fifty years, decisions made by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 have led to the loss of more than 63 million Americans. Ten Holocausts’ worth of our fellow countrymen and -women, snuffed out. They never got a chance to vote. They never even got a chance to breathe.

Why does no one mention this? After all, it’s not as though politicians are indifferent to who is and isn’t allowed to enter a voting booth. For example, when Stacey Abrams alleged voter suppression by Republicans during her 2018 run for the governorship of Georgia against Brian Kemp, she meant in part that about 53,000 voter registrations had been put on hold due to inconsistencies in voter records. Later, there were news reports of some 2.2 million or so voters having been removed over the previous six years from the Georgia rolls (by the Georgia secretary of state at the time, who also happened to be Abrams’s opponent in 2018). These allegations roiled the gubernatorial race. They still surface in the news from time to time, some three and a half years later. Those 2.2 million voters, and even those 53,000, were huge. Either number could easily have swayed the 2018 election.

By comparison, more than 63 million Americans, the death toll of abortion in the United States in a little more than my lifetime, is more Americans than voted for Donald Trump in total, nationwide, in 2016. It is slightly fewer than the number of Americans who cast a ballot for Hillary Clinton that year. Sixty-three million Americans is a whole other electorate, a shadow constituency. Sixty-three million Americans have been purged from the voter rolls in our country by never having been allowed to be born. Sixty-three million ballots, never issued. And this was all the work of the very top of the judicial branch, carried out with the tacit approval, if not enthusiastic support, of many in the executive and legislative branches, as well.

What if those 63 million missing Americans were with us today? How would they vote? We don’t know, and we never will. It’s the worst voter fraud in American history. It’s the biggest open secret our country has. Nobody talks about it. Many fret about democracy, but almost no one raises his voice about all those missing voters. Even now, many of us who escaped the pre-birth executioner and made it to legal voting age are voting to keep the suppression going, casting our ballots for those who insist that the killing never stop.

Abortion is a crime against humanity. It is a genocide. It is an abomination, a horror, a black sin in the sight of God. It is also a political crime. Maybe you don’t care about the taking of an innocent baby’s life. But if you care about democracy, then why are you silent about this staggering level of voter suppression?

When we speak of abortion, let us remember the lives that have been lost, but let us also reflect on the political chicanery that made those dozens of millions of murders possible, and the political fallout from having purged the rolls of a nationwide voting bloc that never saw the light of day.


Jason Morgan is associate professor at Reitaku University in Kashiwa, Japan.

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