The Narthex
Nations and Nationalism
Human fraternity demands political order
By James Hanink | October 15th 2019 10:59 PMWe’ve some sorting and distinguishing to do when it comes to the debate about nations and nationalism. If we shy away from the job, we’ll find ourselves dealing with nonsense and, to borrow from Bentham, nonsense on stilts. A first distinction is between nation and state. For over a hundred…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCapital Punishment in Context
Five points for reflection
By James Hanink | October 1st 2019 10:33 PMI’ve just reconnoitered a website that lays out seventeen well-argued essays on whether capital punishment is inherently wrong. Their authors don’t reach a consensus, nor is one likely to emerge any time soon. So what are we to do? As always with controverted questions, we should pray for clarity and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGod and Man at Play
Creation is ongoing, spontaneous, and forever surprising
By James Hanink | September 17th 2019 3:06 PMHugo Rahner, SJ, is the author of a classic work Man at Play. The central and staggering insight of Man at Play is that God is at play! How so? Proverbs 8:27-31 gives us a starting point. From the beginning, Rahner points out, Divine Wisdom (Hochmah) has been “playing before…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNewman, Peel, & the Tamworth Reading Room
'To know is one thing, to do is another'
By James Hanink | September 3rd 2019 2:50 PMOn October 13th John Henry Newman will be canonized, the first English person in modern times to be raised to the altar. Newman comes to us as an eminent Victorian and a convert. Some say his canonization has been long in coming because he was prolific and polemical. Whether or…
READ FULL BLOG POSTUnderstanding Humanism
Creation is its fundamental context
By James Hanink | August 20th 2019 2:21 PMThe devil is in the details -- and in definitions. For such details we might reflect on the new Vatican-Beijing accords, already in jeopardy, and the not-so-new nuclear weapons treaties now publicly flaunted. How about definitions? Let’s consider, as a trial run, humanism. As always, context counts. The French Revolution,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Valley of Tears & The Order of Charity
Whom are we to help, and when, and in what order
By James Hanink | August 8th 2019 4:45 PMDomestic terrorism. Religious persecution, both secular and professedly religious. The posturing of pro-abortion extremists. Assaults on democracy. Economic wars. Some weeks it’s crushingly obvious: we live in a valley of tears. Psalm 84:6-8 speaks of such a valley. So does the Marian anthem, “Hail, Holy Queen,” which so many recite…
Thought and prayer can redeem our endless waiting
By James Hanink | July 29th 2019 9:31 PMThe philosopher Simone Weil’s Waiting on God (1950) is a haunting reflection on the distance between “the everyday” and the transcendent. A year earlier the playwright Samuel Beckett finished his Waiting for Godot. Beckett’s “Godot” is a fantasist’s inkblot: interpret him as you please. Not so the God to whom…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOutrage and the Outrageous
In our culture, sometimes outrage is in order
By James Hanink | July 16th 2019 2:13 PMParish life begins in the parking lot. My wife saw her first, Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Well, yes, politicians come and fortunately they go. But our current representative has yet to go, and we are in possession of a letter from her with the bland assurance that partial birth abortion is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGreat Books & Penny Dreadfuls
Let's read great books together
By James Hanink | June 28th 2019 8:40 PMProfessors Heather Erb and Steve Bertucci, tutors at Angelicum Academy, are engaging and persuasive exponents of “Great Books Education.” And just what is a Great Book? It is one of enduring significance and a lever, as it were, for the human enterprise. It is a tool that helps take us…
Some facts are brute facts; they “just are”
By James Hanink | June 20th 2019 8:29 PMHere’s a snappy reality check: “You’re entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.” But reality isn’t always easy to check. For a start, if my opinion is ill-formed, I’m not really entitled to it. There’s a duty to think carefully about our opinions. Of course, today’s political slugfest…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Bored and the Boring
The trouble may be in your set
By James Hanink | June 13th 2019 7:16 PMSure, some professors are boring. Blimey, some of us remember Harvard’s eminent Professor Boring, Edwin Boring, a leading psychologist of the 20th century. Some blogs, maybe, are also boring. Not to mention a weekly podcast I host. A good friend, reviewing this humble effort, said that he found some of…
Priests serve the Gospel and the people of God
By James Hanink | June 7th 2019 4:42 PMOnce upon a time, 1965 to be exact, a slim volume appeared with the title Everybody Calls Me Father. Its author was the anonymous Father X, a humble priest. (By the way, it’s still available.) Now comes Cardinal John Dew, headlined as “New Zealand’s top Catholic,” who encouraged priests not…
READ FULL BLOG POSTConscientious Objection
It is increasingly the right thing to do
By James Hanink | May 31st 2019 3:22 PMPope Francis recently spoke to health care workers and raised a note of caution about conscientious objection. “The decision to object,” Francis warned, “must be taken with respect, so that what should be done with humility does not become a reason for disdain or pride, so as not to generate…
READ FULL BLOG POST"Always Certain, Seldom Right"
Let’s revisit this damning dismissal
By James Hanink | May 16th 2019 3:02 PMKnow anyone who’s outspoken, opinionated, who calls a spade a spade? I surely knew my father, to whom I owe more than I can ever repay. When the family was planning his funeral, my mother told the pastor “John was outspoken…too outspoken for most people.” Right. Some of us liked…
History progresses in the line of evil and in the line of good
By James Hanink | May 8th 2019 2:44 PMAsking someone “How are you doing?” can get personal. What if someone takes the question literally? Maybe someone like Mr. Pilgrim. He’s no pushover. Suppose he flips the question and asks “How are you doing?” Or he might even ask “How are we doing?” If he raises this question, he…