The Narthex
Getting Spiritual Direction Right
It requires careful reflection by those who would learn from it
By James Hanink | June 28th 2024 2:45 PMWhat happens when you google “spiritual director near me”? You’ll instantly find an assortment of spiritualists and their handy contact information. Not what you are looking for? Better keep looking and look elsewhere. Take your time. A priest friend who is a spiritual director at a Benedictine Abbey says that…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Religious Reasons'
If religion is relegated to personal feeling, then opposition to immoral acts can’t be serious, right?
By James Hanink | June 13th 2024 8:07 PMWe’re told that it’s for “religious reasons” that someone opposes abortion. And it’s for “religious reasons” that someone opposes euthanasia. So we read in, for example, newspapers of record like the L.A. Times. What we don’t read, of course, is that someone opposes the policy of nuclear deterrence for religious…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSchool Choice Basics
Principles come to the forefront when we ask, 'To whom do children belong?'
By James Hanink | June 1st 2024 3:53 PMThe Blaine Amendment of 1875 sought to add the following language to the federal Constitution: “No money raised by taxation in any State for the support of public schools, or derived from any public fund therefor, nor any public lands devoted thereto, shall ever be under the control of any…
READ FULL BLOG POSTProtest and Witness
Is disciplined nonviolent action still possible?
By James Hanink | May 15th 2024 8:19 PMA feisty fellow I knew liked to ask Protestants just what they were protesting. A wise Protestant might answer in terms of a positive protestation, for example, the rule of sola scriptura. A bellicose Protestant, in contrast, might reply “No popery!” Note well: the word “protest” can have either a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Dignity: Doubling Down
'Dignitatis Infinita' distinguishes four dimensions of our dignity
By James Hanink | May 3rd 2024 4:48 PMEven Alasdair MacIntyre, among the greatest of living Thomists, thinks that believers might do better to argue from justice rather than to appeal to human dignity. And Harvard’s Steven Pinker writes derisively of the “stupidity of dignity.” Critics admit that the rhetoric of dignity surfaces in the United Nations Universal…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNatural Law & the Public Forum
Key points about natural law, its foundation, and how to introduce it into debate
By James Hanink | April 19th 2024 11:07 AMIn Catholic circles the concept of natural law is fairly familiar. I say “fairly” because I’m not sure that many Catholics could give an account of what natural law is. I’m even less sure that many Catholics could draw on natural-law thought when, and if, they enter debates in the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBeyond Apathy or Outrage
Putting everything in God’s hands, we see that He puts many things back into ours
By James Hanink | March 23rd 2024 7:57 PMWhen sorely pressed, my mother often said, “Let’s put it all in God’s hands.” Such was the path to peace. But of what sort? Friends of the indefatigable socialist Norman Thomas often commented that he never lost his capacity for outrage. But to what end? Of late, both Mom’s adage…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhether & When to Read a Book
It depends on how that book will affect the person I am
By James Hanink | March 13th 2024 12:57 PMIn his classic How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler, citing Francis Bacon, tells us that “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Yes, but which books and in what order? Of the making of books there is --…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTake-Aways on the Lunatic Fringe
Peter Maurin, not one for nuances, thought that everyone was crazy
By James Hanink | February 28th 2024 12:39 PMTrying to figure something out? Something really important? More often than not, Aristotle was doing just that. He usually began by noting the insights of the wise on the problem at hand. Noticing that they were often at odds, he next tried to figure out what was promising in each…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCriminal Gangs, Then and Now
For criminals and criminal states alike, it is in no way lawful to slay the innocent
By James Hanink | February 15th 2024 1:04 PMChange is a constant, with mixed results. But so, too, is a grim stasis, a permanent condition in this Vale of Tears. With regard to change, the players surely change. In St. Augustine’s time, the Roman Empire still held sway, though invaders from the North stormed its borders and sought…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPuzzling over a Papal Interview
Pope Francis says informal blessings for same-sex couples promote inclusion
By James Hanink | January 31st 2024 9:19 PMOf giving interviews, as with making books, there is no end. But interviews, whether in the air or on earth, are easier on trees. Even so, provocatively important interviews can lead to books. Here’s an example. Vatican News recently excerpted an interview that Pope Francis gave to Italian newspaper La…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLiberalism Run Amok
An incoherent and self-defeating liberalism undermines the democracy it professes
By James Hanink | January 18th 2024 12:40 PM“Thought blockers,” I call them. Right, left, conservative, reactionary, and progressive, they get in the way of the real discussion of real issues. They are elastic terms that could mean just about anything or almost nothing. Still, my caveat is prudential rather than absolute. So, I’m going into the deep…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCanada’s Euthanasia Abyss
As Canada goes, so will California go. And as California goes, too often goes the U.S.
By James Hanink | January 3rd 2024 9:23 PMWithin the Octave of Christmas, a Feast of Life, a New York Times (A1, Dec. 28) headline read, “Assisted Death for the Mentally Ill Divides Canada.” This March will bring the Government’s decision. No mention in the Times, of course, of killing. Instead the piece speaks of a “practice,” a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBlessings, Grounded in Love
Truly pastoral counselling does not involve any development of doctrine
By James Hanink | December 21st 2023 12:31 PMThe Declaration Fiducia Supplicans, signed by Pope Francis, calls for our close attention. Its overarching context is the Church’s wealth of blessings, each a gift of God’s love, and their place in the economy of grace. The most frequent, and liturgically grounded, blessing comes at the conclusion of the Mass.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTUninformed Voters
Let’s encourage all the voters who aren’t informed and engaged to not vote
By James Hanink | December 13th 2023 3:31 PMIt’s a recognized conundrum in what’s called “social decision theory”: believe it or not, in a series of straight up or down votes (as with referenda), the majority can be in the minority in a majority of cases. Check out Anscombe’s Paradox. Here’s another conundrum. In a state-wide or national…