The Narthex
The Promise and Peril of Words
In translations, abbreviations, notations, and acronyms
By James Hanink | December 21st 2020 3:07 PMThe celebrated Dorothy Parker, on hearing the phone ring, liked to ask, “What fresh hell is this?” Of late we might say the same on reading the morning paper or catching the evening news. But not on this blog post, not today. Let’s consider, instead, the promise and peril of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOf Plowshares & Red Roses
Certain movements serve as 'prophetic shock-minorities'
By James Hanink | December 1st 2020 3:04 PMSr. Ardeth Platte, OP, was my first, and best, academic boss. I was teaching part-time at St. Joseph Elementary School in Saginaw, Michigan. (Have you heard the song about Saginaw?) My wife Elizabeth and I were living Saginaw’s public housing project, across from a railroad switching yard. As a conscientious…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSaint Goes Marching In
Appreciating the wholeness of life through one life
By James Hanink | November 10th 2020 5:56 PMA not-so-funny thing is happening as I age in (minimal) wisdom and (gratuitous) grace. I noticed it reading the Catholic Worker, as I’ve done since high school. The obituaries started to be the best part of the paper. How so? Because they tell a good part of the truth about…
READ FULL BLOG POSTChoice Isn't the Biggest Thing
We cannot flourish as persons unless we choose the good
By James Hanink | October 26th 2020 9:24 PMThe homeless count in Los Angeles keeps going up. We’re now north of 60,000. About a week ago the Los Angeles Times (Oct. 18) ran a heartbreaking piece on “Suzanna,” a woman who was disoriented, often naked, and sometimes crawled across our famous Sunset Boulevard. Agonizing as the story was,…
Chance is built into the very structure of nature
By James Hanink | October 13th 2020 7:05 PMFrank Sinatra encouraged “Luck” to “be a lady tonight.” The lady in question had not always been so. Even perfect “strangers in the night,” wondering as they do “what were the chances” of “sharing love,” might well fare better. Johnny Mathis, he of the honeyed throat, was more upbeat. “Guess…
On appealing to 'historical necessity' in order to justify moral paralysis
By James Hanink | September 28th 2020 8:56 PMReflecting on the West’s strategy of nuclear deterrence, Winston Churchill expressed the hope that “safety will be the sturdy child of terror, and survival the twin brother of annihilation.” Can such a hope be reasonable? Some argue that however odious it is, nuclear deterrence, in light of world realities, is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNuclear Rearmament
For decades, the popes have called for nuclear disarmament
By James Hanink | September 15th 2020 2:59 PMIn California, where bad things often begin, the papers tell us that we are facing a climate apocalypse. The fires are, indeed, horrific. But there’s no turning back from a true apocalypse. Something closer to a true apocalypse awaits us, and we are currently planning to hasten its arrival. Our…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Soul of the Nation
Do Americans' day-to-day actions speak of unity?
By James Hanink | August 31st 2020 8:10 PMAre we about to vote for the soul of the nation? Well, maybe. The political figures who say so are keener than ever to get out the vote, as are the “thought leaders” now popping up everywhere. The first order of business for those who insist that political figures really…
READ FULL BLOG POSTVoting for Lesser Evil?
The American Solidarity Party is pro-life for the whole of life
By James Hanink | August 18th 2020 2:33 PMFor many years, when urged to vote for a US president, I’d push back hard. My favorite riposte? “Don’t vote; it just encourages them.” Still, there’s a season for (almost) everything. And who says that a bloke can’t change after he turns 39? Not I, and here’s why. Note: As…
READ FULL BLOG POST‘Engagement’ with China
Complicity in peddling propaganda is far from dialogue
By James Hanink | August 3rd 2020 7:33 PMIn sorting through the L.A. Times the other day, I came upon an eight-page supplement titled CHINA WATCH. The insert promises “ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.” Caveat Lector: this publication is a product of China Daily, a news vehicle of China’s Communist Party. Indeed, cards on the table, at the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhite Skin Privilege
America’s 'original sin' is just one variation
By James Hanink | July 20th 2020 9:26 PMLast week a friend with ties to Africa sent me a picture of some local nuns in Tanzania. Their ministry is to shelter at-risk children. Commenting on the picture, he noted that “All the ‘white’ children are albinos. Nine albinos, none of these pictured here, were killed in 2019 for…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMischief of Memes
Today’s popular public discourse is worrisome
By James Hanink | July 6th 2020 8:37 PMThe gravestone of former New York Times editor A. M. Rosenthal reads, “He kept the paper straight.” Last month, A. G. Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, disavowed “hiding behind” old standards. Sulzberger went on to say, “We’re not retreating from the principles of independence and objectivity. We don’t…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTalking about Race
Let's ask some questions and get serious
By James Hanink | June 22nd 2020 1:11 AMWe are urged to have serious conversations about race, and we should. In this post, gentle reader, I push a bit to make them more serious. Let’s bypass the cant of the major political parties. And let’s be on watch both for numbing inertia and for hijacked populism. Objectivity helps,…
Let us deliberate over the recent populist protests
By James Hanink | June 8th 2020 10:15 PMContext, like character, counts. Allow me to offer a context for the two weeks of protest marches in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. A blogpost has limits but is far preferable to a slogan or a meme. For a start, the murder took place in an ethos…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIronies of Intelligence
It is the soul, through the intellect, that thinks
By James Hanink | May 26th 2020 3:22 PMThe New York Times vacillates in its effect on readers. Often enough it induces nausea. But sometimes it gives us food for thought. A recent obituary, “Joel Kupperman, Scarred by Success as a Precocious ‘Quiz Kid,’ Dies at 83” (May 15, page A24) is surely food for thought. So what’s…