The Narthex
The Greeting at Monticello
The bicentennial of Catholic Lafayette’s 1824-1825 national tour -- Part 4
By James Thunder | November 15th 2024 1:05 AMThe principal source for what occurred on Lafayette's November 1824 visit to Jefferson is the November 10 issue of Charlottesville’s Central Gazette, later credited to Charles Downing.[1] While it has not survived, it was reprinted in whole or in part in papers of Richmond, Alexandria, Lynchburg and Fredericksburg. READ FULL BLOG POST
Lafayette's Stay with Jefferson
The bicentennial of Catholic Lafayette’s 1824-1825 national tour -- Part 3
By James Thunder | November 11th 2024 12:53 PMI now turn to Lafayette’s extended stay with Thomas Jefferson at his home in Monticello. In November 1824, Lafayette spent ten full days with Jefferson and visiting the University of Virginia and Charlottesville (where yours truly now lives), and four days with James and Dolley Madison in their home at…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Frenchman Who Revered Gen. Washington
The bicentennial of Catholic hero Lafayette’s 1824-1825 national tour -- Part 2
By James Thunder | November 4th 2024 12:23 PMA young Frenchman, Julien Icher, founder of the Lafayette Trail, has been working with the American Friends of Lafayette to erect historical markers at each of Lafayette’s stops.[1] Also during this bicentennial, there will be a number of reenactments. For example, one woman planned reenactments of his visit…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPatriotism Today Compared to 1824
The bicentennial of Catholic hero Lafayette’s 1824-1825 national tour -- Part 1
By James Thunder | October 28th 2024 11:58 AMThe waving of a 24-star flag, red-white-blue bunting, banners, and fireworks throughout the country to celebrate Revolutionary War hero General Lafayette during his up-close and in-person visit in 1824-25 contrasts sharply with the anxiety and unease many Americans today feel when they see Old Glory flying.[1] For me…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIt's Columbus Day, Not Indigenous Peoples' Day
The idea of a government-recognized holiday named after a group of people is odd
By James Thunder | October 10th 2024 10:58 AMThe District of Columbia and other jurisdictions have passed laws to re-name Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples’ Day or Native Americans Day. In 2021, President Biden proclaimed Indigenous Peoples’ Day to be celebrated on the same day as Columbus Day. (Given my surname, you might suppose that I favor this development.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Israel's War Against Hamas
An account of lost civilian lives, physical destruction, and Israel’s conduct of the war -- Part 2
By James Thunder | September 3rd 2024 12:03 PMIn Part 1, linked below, I looked at the Catholic Church’s criteria for just war and just conduct of war. Here I turn to the loss of civilian lives and physical destruction, and address the issue of Israel’s conduct of the war. Hamas alleges a large number of deaths among…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs Israel's War Against Hamas Immoral?
Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church to evaluate the ongoing war -- Part 1
By James Thunder | August 27th 2024 8:24 PMThe number of killed, injured, and displaced people among two million Gazans has been large and is growing. I hope my words here will contribute to a conversation on assessing the morality of Israel’s actions. The social teaching of the Catholic Church appeals to human reason, not only to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRev. Jerome R. Daly, R.I.P.
On the most decorated helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War
By James Thunder | May 22nd 2024 12:03 PMJerome R. Daly was the most decorated helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. After retiring from the Army in 1982, he became a Catholic priest. Vietnam was a war in which combat helicopters played a pre-eminent role. According to a 2018 report by Gary Roush of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLarge-scale Child Abuse
Book publishers, school librarians, and teachers sue to corrupt children
By James Thunder | April 29th 2024 12:08 PMOn April 16, the Wall Street Journal reported that five large book publishers have joined the case filed by a sixth large publisher to prevent the State of Iowa from restricting the purchase or use of certain books for school libraries and classrooms (Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg, “Major Publishers Join Iowa…
READ FULL BLOG POST'The Old Man's Tree' and 'The Boy's Tree'
Stories of men who enjoyed a deep familiarity with other living things
By James Thunder | April 24th 2024 11:56 AMYou may remember having an adult read to you, or you reading to a child, The Giving Tree (1964), written and illustrated by the late Shel Silverstein (1930-1999). This book was the subject of a sophisticated symposium in the January 1995 issue of First Things, a magazine edited by the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPeople of the Plant
The story of a life-giving custom
By James Thunder | April 1st 2024 8:04 PMSome time ago, my wife and I were visiting my elderly, widowed father in his home in suburban Chicago. We remarked to him that, in his 25 years in this home, his gardening had achieved outstanding results, due not only to his efforts but to superbly fecund loam. Since all…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAwe, Shock, and then Awe
On the sequence of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and then Easter
By James Thunder | March 26th 2024 5:25 PMThe term “shock and awe” entered our lexicon during the 1990-91 Gulf War when the American-led coalition sought to eject Iraq after the latter’s invasion of Kuwait. “Shock and awe” referred to the coalition’s aerial bombardment prior to a tank and infantry assault. It was meant to demoralize the Iraqi…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDaydream about Jesus Before Mass
In which I experienced a renewed appreciation for the Mass
By James Thunder | March 20th 2024 12:01 PMI was sitting in church waiting for Sunday Mass to begin. My church has a large crucifix with a corpus above and behind the altar. With the image of the crucified Christ in my eyes, I spoke to Him about all the troubles of our current times. Then I implored…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Big Lie About Women and the Church
Claims of oppression ignore Christ and the history of His Church
By James Thunder | March 15th 2024 11:49 AMA big lie is that Catholics oppress women by, for example, not allowing them to be ordained priests or deacons, by not giving them (enough) positions of power in the Vatican, by keeping them “barefoot and pregnant” by opposing contraception and abortion, and by holding marriage up as a realizable…
READ FULL BLOG POSTHell-Bent to Kill; Heaven-Sent to Save
Christians don’t save by killing. We save by saving, by giving life
By James Thunder | March 11th 2024 1:54 PMThe story of the three Magi from the East following the star to Jerusalem is told during the Christmas season (Matt. 2:1-18). It is not like the heart-warming aspects of Christ’s birth, with an angel speaking to shepherds and angels singing. Rather, it is a story that ends with weeping…