The Narthex
Praise to God for Healing
A fresh look at Jesus' healing miracles -- Part 3
By James Thunder | April 26th 2023 12:18 PMWhen Jesus performed miraculous healings, those he cured -- along with their friends, relations, and all observers -- gave praise to God. Beginning the moment of their cure, these men, women and children would talk nonstop about it. The man with leprosy “started talking about it freely and telling the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJesus and Those He Cured
A fresh look at miracles -- Part 2
By James Thunder | April 21st 2023 12:18 PMLet us first consider that Jesus was not always in the immediate presence of the people He cured, just like the prophet Elisha who directed Naaman to go to the River Jordan. Naaman was incensed with Elisha. “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Fresh Look at Miracles
Jesus made people with deformities whole -- Part 1
By James Thunder | April 18th 2023 11:59 AMYou get pretty used to the idea that Jesus worked miracles, don’t you? I do. For me, a fresh look was prompted when I noticed a detail from Matthew’s Gospel (15:29-31):
Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, went up on the mountain, and sat down there. Great…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBarrier to Discipleship
The rich young man's wealth led him to decline Jesus’ invitation -- Part 2
By James Thunder | March 22nd 2023 1:36 PMIn my previous post I discussed one way Jesus' statement about the rich man may have overwhelmed His audience. There is a second way. Jesus did not say (in Matt. 19:24, Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25) how much property makes one so rich that he is like the camel. We all…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWho Are the Rich Who Are Like Camels? We Are
Jesus did not subscribe to the notion that the rich had been blessed by God -- Part 1
By James Thunder | March 17th 2023 4:35 PMIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matt. 19:24). Our Lord delighted His listeners with His rhetoric. These days the word rhetoric is used pejoratively, or derisively, to refer to language lacking…
Woke revolutionaries have effected a true cultural revolution
By James Thunder | March 8th 2023 2:30 PMOne of the definitions of topsy-turvy is the “inversion of the natural order.” This is what we are experiencing in our culture, from the top down. As a recent article by Victor Davis Hanson states, “the Establishment Is the Revolution” (see link below). It is not the protestor in the street…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPugin's American Legacy
Though he died around age 40, his architecture had global influence -- Part 2
By James Thunder | February 28th 2023 12:47 PMThe first few decades of Gothic Revival master Augustus Pugin's life were filled with activity and strain, and there would be more obstacles and tribulations. Pugin had periods of blindness. His second wife died. (He remarried. His third wife not only cared for his six children by his two previous…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGothic Revival Master
Augustus Welby Pugin put his genius to work from a young age -- Part 1
By James Thunder | February 23rd 2023 9:42 PMAugustus Welby Pugin is in the news these days in the United Kingdom because he designed Big Ben, icon for the British nation, whose scaffolding has now come down after two years and will reopen this spring. Pugin (1812-1852; his French name is pronounced “PEW-jin”) was THE Gothic Revivalist. A…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCappadocian Doctors of the Church
Ss. Basil, Gregory, and Gregory of Nyssa: Their titles, works, and some reflections -- Part 8
By James Thunder | February 10th 2023 7:43 PMLet us familiarize ourselves with the titles accorded these Cappadocian bishops we have studied: Basil, Gregory, and Gregory of Nyssa. St. Gregory of Nyssa is considered the philosopher and mystic; he wrote less than the other two but perhaps more deeply. An ecumenical council in 787 pronounced him “Father of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGregory’s Last Years
He delivered a striking funeral oration on the third anniversary of Basil’s death -- Part 7
By James Thunder | February 6th 2023 1:09 PMFollowing the council of 381, Gregory returned to Nazianzus. For Lent, he gave up speaking! (Newman, Historical Sketches, p. 86) In his autobiographical poem, Gregory used some harsh words to describe his relationship with Basil. Yet, at the same time that he wrote the poem, he delivered a funeral oration…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGregory Picks Up the Fight
After Basil's death, his friend works to combat the Arian heresy -- Part 6
By James Thunder | January 27th 2023 10:05 PMUntil Gregory’s father’s death in 374, Gregory stayed in Nazianzus. Despite the rupture between Gregory and Basil, Basil attended Gregory’s father’s funeral. (Gregory’s father had always supported making Basil a bishop; see Funeral Orations, p. 154.) Gregory, his father’s auxiliary bishop, did not want to succeed his father. Because nothing…
READ FULL BLOG POSTImpact of Arian Heretics
Basil defended against the Arian heresy and sought Gregory's help -- Part 5
By James Thunder | January 23rd 2023 12:58 PMGregory refused to go to the appointed town in Basil’s jurisdiction, becoming, in his words, “a fugitive.” At first, Gregory’s father tried to persuade him to be an active bishop of Sasima, then, when the father’s health declined, the father, himself a bishop, asked Gregory to become his auxiliary (Concerning…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJoe Scheidler, MLK, & Notre Dame
Fifty years after Roe v. Wade, the nation's leading Catholic college should honor its heroic son
By James Thunder | January 19th 2023 12:53 PMJanuary 22 marks the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Soon after it first appeared on the law library’s shelves, I read it and it was a big reason I decided to go to law school. Fifteen years later I became general counsel of the public…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBasil & Gregory: the Dispute
As priests and bishops, the friends faced problems created by heretics -- Part 4
By James Thunder | January 16th 2023 2:55 PMThe reason Gregory had left Basil after his visit to Basil’s monastery was related to Gregory’s family. Gregory’s father, now in his 80’s, had become ill and had asked his son to return home. During Christmastime, 362, Gregory was ordained a priest. Immediately Gregory thought he’d made a mistake and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBasil & Gregory: Monastic Life
The future saints developed enduring rules for monastery living -- Part 3
By James Thunder | January 12th 2023 6:58 PMBasil either returned directly home from Athens and then toured the principal monasteries of the Eastern Roman Empire in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria or toured the monasteries before coming home (it’s unclear from my review of sources). At some point in these travels Basil’s older sister, St. Macrina, upbraided Basil…