The Narthex
More on the Ekmans' Conversion
A married couple established hundreds of churches and then became Catholic - Part 2
By James Thunder | October 12th 2022 2:47 PMHighlights of Ulf and Birgitta Ekman's conversion story were described in Part 1 (linked below). In telling their story they identified this long list of books as among the many they read: Peter Hocken’s The Glory and the Shame, on the historical churches and new movements. Ulf arranged for Word…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSwedish Conversion Story
A married couple established hundreds of churches and then became Catholic - Part 1
By James Thunder | October 7th 2022 12:36 PMI promised some friends to read a book by two prominent Swedish Protestant charismatics, Ulf and Birgitta Ekman, about their conversion Catholicism to see if the book could be helpful to mutual friends who had left the Church for non-mainline Protestant churches. I believe The Great Discovery: Our Journey to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFirst Ironman of Hawaii - Part 3
Damien’s life of physical labor and courage makes him a champion
By James Thunder | October 4th 2022 2:53 PMIn 1873, Damien’s bishop invited Father Damien, and many of the priests on the Islands, to Maui for the dedication of a new church. After the ceremony, the bishop addressed his priests about the new rules by the Board of Health concerning the leper colony that had been established on…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFirst Ironman of Hawaii - Part 2
Three incidents of great physical courage mark Damien’s time at Kohala
By James Thunder | September 27th 2022 2:49 PMWith the scene of Father Damien collapsed after a strenuous hike, I have stopped the camera, so to speak, and three images come to my mind. The first is that of Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic explorer. After 16 days in an open boat on the high seas, including one day…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFirst Ironman of Hawaii - Part 1
Father Damien cleared many tests of human endurance, starting in 1863
By James Thunder | September 22nd 2022 2:22 PMOn October 6 and 8, the Ironman Triathlon will take place in Hawaii. In a contest that tests human endurance, the athletes, without taking breaks, will swim 2.4 miles in the open ocean, bike 112 miles, and run a marathon (26 miles). It has been held annually since 1978. I…
The language of the Creed was not formed into a prayer like the rest of Mass
By James Thunder | August 22nd 2022 5:35 PMEvery act of faith, including prayer, terminates not in a proposition or an abstract concept but in the living God. We pray to Him. (In contrast, recall how in the secular realm we often hear, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you,” or we are exhorted to give thanks on…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNewman & Moses on Belief
Our forefathers teach that God has revealed Himself to humankind
By James Thunder | July 13th 2022 3:24 PMI had recently finished reading Father Ian Ker’s biography of Cardinal John Henry Newman (who was beatified in 2010 and canonized in 2019) when a review in the Wall Street Journal of a book on the existence and nature of God by a professor of law at Yale caught my…
Does Theology of the Body develop the moral doctrine of Humanae Vitae?
By James Thunder | September 28th 2021 5:55 PMReview of: Mere Marriage: Sexual Difference and Christian Doctrine. By Andrew D. Cannon, Ph.D. Alphonsus Publishing, available at 215 pages. $24.95. George Weigel devoted eleven pages of his 1999 biography of Pope John Paul II, Witness to Hope, to the saint-pope’s Theology of the Body. He concluded that…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Liturgical Change
The Communion fast and the 'smells and bells' of Mass -- Part 7
By James Thunder | June 1st 2021 2:16 PMEveryone -- whether priest, bishop, or layperson -- has ideas on how to change the liturgy. If I had my druthers, I would make the following changes, but these changes are neither mine to make nor a priest's to make: the congregation would kneel for the penitential moments of the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMass Facing the People or the Altar
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II - Part 6
By James Thunder | May 25th 2021 5:18 PMThe post-conciliar period saw liturgical abuses. One alleged abuse is moving altars away from the back walls of churches to allow, or require, the celebrant to face the people. Let us look at Cardinal Ratzinger’s 2003 foreword to U.M. Lang's Turning Towards the Lord: Orientation in Liturgical Prayer (2d ed.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPaul VI's Mass Revisions
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II - Part 5
By James Thunder | May 24th 2021 1:53 PMThe Novus Ordo brought a number of reforms besides celebrating in the vernacular. In his Apostolic Constitution of 1969, Pope St. Paul VI approvingly referred to Pius XII’s restoration in 1951 and 1955 of the Easter Vigil and the Rite of Holy Week, respectively. He also cited the desire of…
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II -- Part 4
By James Thunder | May 17th 2021 2:32 PMCardinal Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, wrote in the Foreword to U.M. Lang's Turning Towards the Lord: Orientation in Liturgical Prayer that the Vatican Council did not require the “disappearance of Latin.” In support of this statement, the cardinal quoted Section 1 of Paragraph 36 of the Constitution on…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJohn Paul II's View on the Vernacular
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II -- Part 3
By James Thunder | May 10th 2021 2:42 PMI begin this installment by stating my love for the Latin language. I studied it in high school and graduate school. I drew on my knowledge of the language to write my master’s thesis, Aquinas on Marriage. I recently taught Latin for five years to grade schoolers on Saturday mornings.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMass in English Spread Like Wildfire
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II - Part 2
By James Thunder | May 3rd 2021 2:02 PMThe first Mass in English in the United States was celebrated on August 24, 1964, by Father Frederick R. McManus in St. Louis. A New York Times article, “Catholics Hear Mass in English Today for First Time in the U.S.” (Aug. 24, 1964), describes the translation as “hurried”; I am perplexed…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMass in the Vernacular
A look at certain liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II -- Part 1
By James Thunder | April 26th 2021 12:31 PMThis new blog series addresses certain liturgical changes in the Latin Rite Mass, from the vantage point of a half century after Vatican II. These changes notably began with Mass in the vernacular languages rather than solely in Latin. I begin by observing that I know of two instances in…