The Narthex
Proposal for Lay Saints - Part V
How to increase the number of canonized laypersons
By James Thunder | November 4th 2020 3:53 PMIn order to have more lay models for the witnessing of the Faith, and to inspire lay vocations and holiness among the laity, I argue that the Church needs to increase the ratio of canonized laity to canonized priests/religious. This is not about “diversity” or “justice.” I’m not concerned with…
READ FULL BLOG POSTHoliness & Saint-Making - Part IV
Why does the Church bother canonizing anyone?
By James Thunder | November 2nd 2020 3:06 PMYou may ask why we bother canonizing anyone. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “By canonizing some of the faithful, i.e., by solemnly proclaiming that they practiced heroic virtue and lived in fidelity to God’s grace, the Church recognizes the power of the Spirit of holiness within her and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLay Holiness: The Role of Grace - Part III
It is a grace of the Spirit to recognize the grace of the Spirit
By James Thunder | October 27th 2020 3:21 PMI would say the grace to cry out “Abba” to the Father, and the grace to recognize Jesus as Lord, is the same type of grace that fills bishops when they recognize that the men they will ordain are sufficiently holy and will grow in holiness, and the same type…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRecognizing Holiness - Part II
The grace of recognition is akin to the grace of knowing Jesus as the Lord
By James Thunder | October 22nd 2020 8:05 PMGrace from God is needed for us to recognize holiness in another. I am not speaking about recognizing the holiness of a deceased person whom the Universal Church declares a saint, but the holiness of a deceased person before the Church recognizes it. I respectfully suggest that it is akin…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLay Holiness: How Does It Look? - Part I
This new blog series will explore holiness in laymen and laywomen
By James Thunder | October 19th 2020 4:21 PMGrace and holiness abound in the Body of Christ. Yet it seems that we – laity, bishops, priests, religious sisters and brothers – either do not know what holiness in laity looks like or do not know how to describe it to each other. Only two laypeople, who were holy…