The Narthex
Random Ruminations #8
Must I Pay?... All Talk... Deliberate 'Errors'... Vague Values... more
By John M. Grondelski | September 18th 2023 12:42 PMI’ve explained in the past that I keep a subscription to The New York Times primarily because it is a source par excellence for the insane musings of the Left. But even I could not believe the number of such inanities the Old Gray Lady managed to publish in just…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSprucing Up Canadian Forests
Human beings are not just 'another species' in the 'circle of life'
By John M. Grondelski | September 15th 2023 7:38 PMI sometimes wonder if the problem with liberals is that they have extraordinarily guilty consciences but lack a confessional to unburden themselves in. Well, that is not wholly true; they have the op-ed pages of liberal newspapers, which alternate among confessional, psychotherapy couch, and street corner (where one signals one's…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhere is Fraternal Correction in Fratelli Tutti?
Pope Francis does not reference teaching on fraternal admonishment
By John M. Grondelski | September 14th 2023 11:38 AMLast Sunday’s Gospel focused on fraternal correction and the steps required for the gradual acceleration of a process to correct an errant brother. From informal conversation to discussion in front of witnesses to Church adjudication to excommunication, fraternal correction makes clear that the integrity of ecclesial teaching trumps “welcome” and,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAdmonishing the Sinner
The Gospel answers the question 'who am I to judge?' by saying it's the Church’s job
By John M. Grondelski | September 11th 2023 2:03 PMCritics sometimes argue that among the deficiencies of contemporary homiletics there is a prominent lack of moral content and instruction. That should not have been the case with last Sunday’s Gospel and readings. I will spell out why. Last Sunday’s Gospel can be misread if it is reduced to a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRepentance and the Synod
Has the Church, in its 'welcome wagon' approach, lost a sense of sin?
By John M. Grondelski | September 7th 2023 12:35 PMI’ve been writing a lot about the upcoming Synod on Synodality and the obsession of some prelates with the Church’s “welcoming” attitude. The gist of my argument is that these folks are pushing a notion of “welcome” that is alien to Scripture and the Church’s Tradition, though it may resonate…
READ FULL BLOG POSTColleges and AI Writing
If a student can’t write his admissions essay, how much of his college work will be machine-made?
By John M. Grondelski | September 5th 2023 2:06 PMIt’s the beginning of September, which means schools have either already started or will soon start new academic years. Most colleges and universities are back in session. So, like most Labor Day weekends with absolutely no immediately biting crises on the news cycle, editors filled space with “school stories.” The…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #7
This Is a 'Sense of Sin?'... But Real Evil? Of That, Neither See Nor Speak
By John M. Grondelski | August 28th 2023 3:11 PM“Sex Work,” Trafficking, and Trucks Pamela Paul reports in the New York Times (Aug. 17) that some New York feminists are fighting to get editors to drop the euphemism “sex worker” from their style books. She explains that many have adopted this linguistic stand-in because they don’t want to appear…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTabernacles versus Tuppernacles
Utilitarianism has beset Eucharistic praxis for a long time
By John M. Grondelski | August 24th 2023 6:44 PMSeveral writers have already addressed the question of how the Eucharist was treated during the just-concluded World Youth Day in Lisbon. I want to focus on a particular attempt to justify the use of “Tuppernacles” and the way the Blessed Sacrament was mass-packaged in plastic containers (“Tuppernacles” is Peter Kwasniewski’s…
Ideologues call living in accord with Catholic teaching 'dysfunctional'
By John M. Grondelski | August 23rd 2023 7:20 PMI recently applauded Worcester Bishop Robert McManus’s newly promulgated policy requiring Catholic schools in the diocese to use a child’s legal name, not a gender-ideology driven substitute, when addressing a child (and not just in official documents). The policy even goes further in establishing one’s given name identity: if, after…
READ FULL BLOG POSTProtecting the Integrity of Names in Worcester
Man is not self-made but a gift from God through parents who co-create under Him
By John M. Grondelski | August 21st 2023 11:37 AMBishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts, has mandated that Catholic schools in his diocese use a child’s legal name, not substitutes a student, driven by gender ideology, might want. Congratulations to him for providing episcopal leadership! [To see McManus's policy, click here.] But, some may ask, doesn’t that harm…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #6
A New Thack(eray) on the Dumbing Down of Reading and Culture... Or Just Rewrite the Guy
By John M. Grondelski | August 18th 2023 1:56 PMA New Thack(eray) on the Dumbing Down of Reading and Culture In a recent Facebook post, Joe Bottum commented on a 1915 lecture in which the speaker threw around multiple literary allusions to William Makepeace Thackeray’s characters as if they were obvious to everyone. Truth is, a lot of them…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPassing Time & Our Lady
Thoughts on this Assumption Day
By John M. Grondelski | August 15th 2023 2:35 PMThe Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption, when the Blessed Virgin Mary, “at the end of her earthly life,” was taken body and soul into heaven. The feast is a logical extension of the Resurrection: the latter’s transfiguring power is intended to reach every one of Christ’s followers, of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSt. Maximilian Kolbe: Some Lessons
The great saint was a pastor to the end
By John M. Grondelski | August 14th 2023 8:15 PMSeventy-two years ago today, St. Maximilian Kolbe was murdered by a poison injection at Auschwitz, after about two weeks in a starvation bunker. Most probably on August 15 -- the feast of she to whom he was devoted -- his emaciated body went up in smoke through Auschwitz's crematorium chimney.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #5
"Listen to Him"... To Listen, You Can't Be Asleep... The Pope's Latest Letter
By John M. Grondelski | August 11th 2023 11:17 AM"Listen to Him" In both last Sunday's Second Reading (from II Peter) and Gospel, we are exhorted (in the Gospel by no less than God the Father) to "listen to" Jesus. Peter, James, and John "listen" to that message from the bright cloud that overshines Mount Tabor; it would be…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSexual Extremes in Ohio
Hedonism and a kind of Puritanism battle life-giving love
By John M. Grondelski | August 7th 2023 2:47 PM"Les extremes se touchent" means the extremes touch each other, they overlap. People say the Church’s teachings about sex and life are extreme, but the truly extreme, truly contradictory response comes from its opponents. That sex can give life and foster a unique spousal relationship is not some esoteric Catholic…