The Narthex
Time, Weekends, & Childhood
The protective wall of childhood innocence is being breached
By John M. Grondelski | June 14th 2023 1:16 PMThe Psalmist sings of praise and wisdom from an unexpected source: “out of the mouth of children and of babes” (8:2). Occasionally one can find another source: in advertisements. An ad seen this morning in the Washington Metro was headlined “Childhood Passes Faster Than a Weekend.” Don’t it? Perhaps I’m…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhere Are the June Weddings?
Church teaching on marriage is attractive, but it requires talking about it. We're not
By John M. Grondelski | June 7th 2023 11:58 AMOnce upon a time, not too long ago, June used to be associated with marriage. People spoke of “June weddings.” But while Stevie Wonder might have just been calling to say “I love you,” there was something prescient in his lyric about “no wedding Saturday within the month of June.”…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFidelity and the Person
Social glue is important in three areas: marriage, local community, and national patriotism
By John M. Grondelski | June 5th 2023 8:41 PMPrinceton Professor Robert George has launched a new initiative that declares June “Fidelity Month” [see here]. He started the effort with a June 1 webinar, featuring a religiously diverse panel, discussing the importance of fidelity as social glue in three areas: marriage, local community, and national patriotism. George has…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Social Justice,' 'Solidarity,' or Just Slogans?
Woke 'tolerance' goes only one way & selfish individualism ruins ritual
By John M. Grondelski | June 1st 2023 2:19 PMMy eldest son, John Zygmunt, graduated college last month with a double major. I’m proud of him and happily joined his commencement exercises at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, Virginia. GMU, one of the largest public universities in the Commonwealth, proudly boasted that this year’s 11,000 undergrad and grad…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs There a Moral Limit to Taxes?
While the state has a claim to taxes, that claim is not unlimited
By John M. Grondelski | May 30th 2023 2:56 PMOn Thursday, May 25, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down an important decision in the case of Tyler v. Hennepin County, Minnesota et al. Bottom line up front: a unanimous Supreme Court swatted down Hennepin County’s property tax collecting policy. I’m commenting on it because there are aspects of the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Ascension and Upward Mobility
Jesus is true God and true man. What becomes of Him also points to us
By John M. Grondelski | May 25th 2023 9:16 PMThe Church is in the post-Ascension period, waiting for the promised Paraclete. Jesus instructed His Apostles to stay in Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is notoriously ambiguous on timing. The Spirit will come “in a few days.” Luckily, He set His departure date and was…
READ FULL BLOG POSTVandals and the Church's Material Culture
Catholics once upon a time recognized the need to devote the best to God
By John M. Grondelski | May 22nd 2023 11:57 AMAs undergraduates at St. Mary’s College in Orchard Lake, Michigan, we were required as part of our core curriculum to take a course in art and/or music, and “Introduction to Humanities” fulfilled the requirement. I’ll admit that, as a 19-year-old, I wasn’t excited about the class and it didn’t help…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRemembering John Paul II on His Birthday
A new generation deserves to know him as a source of profoundly Catholic thought
By John M. Grondelski | May 17th 2023 2:31 PMMay 18 would have been Karol Wojtyła’s 103rd birthday. In the 18 years since his death, a whole generation has grown up not knowing St. John Paul II. It’s not accidental that there’s a new character assassination effort to stain his reputation and minimize his contributions to the Church. Monika…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMotherhood and Relationality
Modern reproductive technologies have broken maternity into shards: genetic, gestational, social
By John M. Grondelski | May 16th 2023 11:53 AMWith Mother’s Day in the rear view mirror and fresh events crowding the daily “news” cycle, the controversy some retailers generated this year by offering women an “opt out” of Mother’s Day mailings and specials will likely soon be forgotten -- until it returns next year. I’ve tried to showcase…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA New Look at 'Mary on a Pedestal'
The Second Eve shows us what human life should have been like but for the choice of the First Eve
By John M. Grondelski | May 12th 2023 12:37 PMCatholics have often been accused of a misguided relationship to the Blessed Virgin Mary, of “putting Mary on a pedestal.” That’s not just a Protestant canard, either. Catholics who claim the mantle of following Vatican II argue that traditional Mariology elevated Our Lady at the expense of showcasing her as…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Eroding Right to Self-Defense
Subways do not exist to be substitute institutions for those who need institutionalization
By John M. Grondelski | May 8th 2023 2:50 PMAs a moral theologian, I am interested in just war theory. Just war theory, which governs whether a country can go to war (jus ad bellum) and what it can do in war (jus in bello), is essentially a nation’s right to self-defense. That’s why I reject the arguments that…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Church's Sexual Ethics Should Be INTO Diapers
A better expression of Christian sexual ethics starts with teaching them unapologetically
By John M. Grondelski | May 4th 2023 11:37 AMAmong the ambiguities of his Disney appearance, Pope Francis remarked that the Church’s “catechesis on sex is still in diapers.” Various commentators have voiced disappointment or even outrage over that phrase. I take it as a compliment. The Church’s sexual ethics is still in -- more accurately, into -- diapers.…
Manipulating the membership roster sets the agenda and determines the recommendations
By John M. Grondelski | May 2nd 2023 11:58 AMIn announcing that non-bishops would be able to vote in this fall’s Synod on Synodality, Rome tried simultaneously to hype and downplay the news. Channeling its inner Leslie Neilsen, the synodal website blandly headlined the change as “Some News for the October 2023 Assembly.” General Relator Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich gave…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAbp. Paglia and Questions about 'Accompaniment'
How does a priest accompany a suicide? Confession doesn't cover 'bless me Father, for I will sin'
By John M. Grondelski | April 27th 2023 11:46 AMAfter delivering a muddled set of remarks about assisted suicide which now the Pontifical Academy for Life claims do not mean what most people think they mean, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia wants us really to believe that he was merely engaging in a thought experiment about how Italian civil law should…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Rome's Push for a 'Common' Date for Easter
Getting the Orthodox to jettison the Julian calendar raises all sorts of problems
By John M. Grondelski | April 24th 2023 12:10 PMPope Francis has on several occasions voiced support for an idea, percolating among the Vatican’s professional ecumenical and liturgical classes, to establish a “common” date for Easter between Catholics and Orthodox. The current driver seems to be wanting to “do something” to mark the 1,700th anniversary of the First Council…