The Narthex
Random Ruminations #19
Pohutsky’s Pregnancy Problem... Sex and Babies... Resisting Dialogue... and more
By John M. Grondelski | February 11th 2025 12:00 PMPohutsky’s Pregnancy Problem Laurie Pohutsky is a “bisexual” Michigan Democratic State Representative from northern Wayne County (the county where Detroit sits). You’d probably never hear about a member of the Wolverine State’s legislature -- even the chair of the “Progressive Women’s Caucus" -- except for the fact that Pohutsky took…
It entails selective reductions, discards, and at least one million frozen embryos
By John M. Grondelski | February 10th 2025 1:24 PMI recently criticized in vitro fertilization (IVF) as being, despite appearances, unloving. It raises questions of spousal exclusivity when other peoples’ gametes are used. It raises questions of alienation from our bodies and our child’s, who subtly shifts from a gift to be welcomed to a commodity to be ordered.…
Sex is not a 'technique' to make a child for which another 'technique' can be substituted
By John M. Grondelski | February 7th 2025 6:09 PMMany people, including Catholics, can’t see the problems with in vitro fertilization (IVF). They contend it’s “pro-life” and “gives people what they want, a baby.” So why does the Catholic Church oppose IVF? Because life and love can’t be separated, which is why Karol Wojtyla -- the future John Paul…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #18
Romanian Rain on Francis’s Common Easter Parade... Is the Vatican Tone-Deaf?... and more
By John M. Grondelski | February 6th 2025 1:11 PMRomanian Rain on Francis’s Common Easter Parade Pope Francis’s idea of launching a “common Easter” hit a road block when the Orthodox Patriarch of Romania voiced objections. His primary objection was exactly the condition Vatican II set 61 years ago in the long-dormant appendix to Sacronsanctum Concilium that Francis wants…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDoes Virginity Matter?
It is a joyful expression of God’s promise of the fulfillment of Love
By John M. Grondelski | February 4th 2025 12:53 PMAs a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so shall your God rejoice in you (Isaiah 62:5). The Church reads this passage twice -- every year at the Christmas Vigil Mass and early in Ordinary Time of Year…
Canonical alchemists can turn every Mass-attendance 'burden' into a dispensation
By John M. Grondelski | January 31st 2025 1:20 PMWelcome to today’s episode of “As the Holydays Turn.” When last we tuned in, the Catholic bishops of the United States were in a quandary. In 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 fell on a Sunday. According to the norms of the liturgical calendar, when a…
Claims that a common Easter would foster ecumenism are exaggerated
By John M. Grondelski | January 29th 2025 12:46 PMRecently Pope Francis repeated an idea he has been floating for some time: setting a common date for Easter. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox mark Easter on different dates because the Orthodox use a different calendar (the Julian, which is 13 days out-of-sync from the sun) and formula to fix Easter.…
One has to ask: What really is their “pre-eminent issue”?
By John M. Grondelski | January 27th 2025 3:02 PMEven the most cursory social media survey in the past 24 hours suggests Vice President J.D. Vance’s comment about the money that flows through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for “immigrant” services touched a nerve among the bishops, who managed to react in the middle of a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCommon-Home Confusion
Do we have a 'moral duty' to accept all refugees and immigrants legal and illegal?
By John M. Grondelski | January 23rd 2025 10:01 PMIf you own a home, how many guests do you have to welcome? Most normal people would say, “As many or as few a I want. There is no obligation to have guests.” If you asked those people, “And how many of those guests should be allowed to move in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPrivileged Lectors
Contra their self-satisfied delusions, leftist religious activists don't 'speak truth to power'
By John M. Grondelski | January 22nd 2025 1:45 PMYesterday Washington Episcopal “Bishop” Mariann Edgar Budde’s "lectored" a captive Donald Trump and J.D. Vance during her National Cathedral sermon ("lectored" is my neologism: "lecture" plus "hector"). Budde pressed the President and Vice President to show “mercy” to “LGBT” children and immigrants who “pick our crops and clean our buildings.”…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Winter Light' and Heat in Sweden
Film, Faith, and Morals Series -- No. 1
By John M. Grondelski | January 20th 2025 12:18 PMHere I begin experimenting with something new. I have long thought that film -- especially classic films -- often raises important religious and/or moral questions that deserve comment. I also think, given the bilge produced by the current “entertainment industry” (particularly in the U.S.), that many people are unfamiliar with…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWater & Fire in His Hand
Baptism is a turning from sin; Confirmation is a fuller turning toward God
By John M. Grondelski | January 16th 2025 1:14 PMIn a recent Gospel, John the Baptist tells the crowds in the Judean desert: “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Lk 3:16-17). Water and fire have been prominent in the past week and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBehavior at Funerals
At Jimmy Carter's state funeral, much attention was focused on the living presidents
By John M. Grondelski | January 15th 2025 12:00 PMWatching the Carter state funeral at National Cathedral, I couldn’t help but notice how much attention was focused on the five Presidents. One of the few times Americans see all their living former, current, and -- at Carter’s funeral -- future presidents in one place is when one of them…
READ FULL BLOG POSTParental Rights at Stake in Virginia
An upcoming pro-abortion amendment will smuggle in a boatload of sexual & gender ideology
By John M. Grondelski | January 13th 2025 12:57 PMWith the new year comes a new session of the Virginia Legislature, and job one of the Democrat-dominated chambers this week is writing a pro-abortion amendment into the state constitution. H.J. Res. 1 and S.J. Res. 247 will likely hit the floor in at least the lower chamber this week;…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFaith Reflections on Carter's Funeral
Charity demands we move the focus of funerals from self-celebration to humble petition
By John M. Grondelski | January 9th 2025 8:09 PMFor many reasons I am grateful God gave me the grace of being Catholic. One reason is the Catholic funeral liturgy. Watching the funeral of Jimmy Carter, I realized the profound difference between the Catholic understanding of what we do at a funeral and Protestant/civil religion/secular funerals. I don’t want…