The Narthex
Munus docendi
Christ offers us a different way of seeing, thinking, and doing
By John M. Grondelski | July 23rd 2024 12:14 PMThe Church along with her leadership has three munera, three offices and duties: teaching, governing, and sanctifying. These three responsibilities are prominent in last Sunday’s readings. The munus docendi (the office of teaching), on which I’ll focus, is prominent in the Gospel. The details of Jesus’ arrival on the other…
READ FULL BLOG POSTUnmeltable Ethnicity
Stereotypical 'Americanism' distorts the U.S. Church & the two big political parties
By John M. Grondelski | July 22nd 2024 11:34 AMMichael Novak’s The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (1972) generated an ethnic pride movement in the 1970s. Americans of Eastern and Southern European ancestry, Latinos, and others came out of the WASP shadows to acknowledge that their heritage remained -- and legitimately remained -- part of their American identity. I…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Political Realignment Is Afoot
The GOP is again connecting with working- and middle-class people
By John M. Grondelski | July 19th 2024 11:54 AMI’ve been watching the Republican National Convention. Political conventions are not new to me. I got into this stuff as a 16-year-old when I became involved in Ronald Reagan’s 1976 insurgent campaign. So, I’ve seen my share of conventions. There’s a palpable difference this year. You could hear that in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #11
Stress... And the Therapeutic Voice... Punish Them Tourists!
By John M. Grondelski | July 17th 2024 1:08 PMStress The New York Times recently reported (July 10) about workplace “stress” and the emergence of a new job: “burnout coach.” Apparently, so many employed people are so stressed and burned out in their jobs that they need the therapeutic voice of a “burnout coach” to help them cope. The…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRepentance Is the Message
What the Church’s 'welcome' should be, putting aside 'accompaniment'
By John M. Grondelski | July 15th 2024 11:57 AMSunday’s Gospel recounted Jesus dispatching His Apostles, two by two, on their first missionary internship. They are dispatched to the neighboring villages in Israel and Judea, a fairly circumscribed venue considering they will ultimately be sent “to all nations” (Mt 28:19). That Gospel is instructive as to how the Church…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTen Forbidden Words
Why shouldn't Louisiana be free to speak the words of the Ten Commandments?
By John M. Grondelski | July 11th 2024 11:54 AMMost Supreme Court cases go by their official names. Some get nicknames. The nickname for Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation is the “Seven Dirty Words Case.” It upheld the right of the FCC to regulate indecent language on the public airwaves. (Yes, in theory the FCC can turn off…
War is hell for children, especially when their fathers must leave to fight
By John M. Grondelski | July 10th 2024 12:00 PMRoger Whittaker, the Kenyan-born British singer who died last year, was best known for his ballad “The Last Farewell.” But the words of another Whittaker song, “Durham Town,” came to my mind yesterday. “Durham Town” is about a boy growing up, becoming gradually detached from and eventually having to leave…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOur Marie Antoinette Elites
Labor must have priority over capital; both the Left and the Right get this wrong
By John M. Grondelski | July 8th 2024 2:00 PMRare is the New York Times op-ed to which I refer readers and encourage them to read it. But I do so wholeheartedly as regards “This Is What Elite Failure Looks Like” by Oren Cass (July 6; linked below). Cass pulls no punches. Eighty-three thousand Americans died of opioid overdoses…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWanna Buy a School Building?
A school board won’t sell an empty building to its Catholic competitor
By John M. Grondelski | July 5th 2024 7:45 PMMarinette, Wisconsin, is a small town and a county seat north of Green Bay. As reported by National Review (July 5; a link to the story is below), there’s a K-12 Catholic school in town that’s been around more than a century. Also, the local school board, with declining enrollments,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #10
Downers... Not His Daddy's Boy... An Economy that Serves... and more
By John M. Grondelski | July 3rd 2024 2:11 PMGood Question Bumper stickers are often great statements of truth, largely because they have to be short and pithy. A message to Catholic tailgaters seen on the rear of a car parked outside St. James in Falls Church, Virginia: “Do you follow Christ as closely as you do me?” …
READ FULL BLOG POSTLo que será, será
We’re now at midyear -- a good time to review our resolutions and efforts
By John M. Grondelski | July 1st 2024 12:10 PMSix months ago, you were toasting the new year 2024. Six months from now, hopefully you will say goodbye to 2024 and welcome the new year 2025, the quarter century mark. We just celebrated Midsummer’s Night on June 21-22. We’re now at midyear. “Midsummer” you say? Wasn’t it just the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRuffini, Rupnik, & the 'Right to a Good Name'
If you put yourself in the public spotlight, your official actions are subject to public scrutiny
By John M. Grondelski | June 27th 2024 6:55 PMLast Friday’s tone-deaf remarks by Vatican Communications Dicastery Prefect Paolo Ruffini saying he saw no reason not to continue using the art of ex-Jesuit sex abuser Marko Rupnik on Vatican products has drawn two distinct responses. Most of the Catholic press has ignored the story -- not only nothing to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGod's Ordering of the Waters
Jesus' calming of the Sea of Galilee was a window into the first day of creation
By John M. Grondelski | June 25th 2024 2:16 PMLast Sunday’s readings had a lot to say about the waters. The primary focus was on the Gospel, in which Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Many Biblical commentators note that Jesus’ miracles can be grouped into two primary categories: miracles concerning nature (like this one) and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRupnik's Art: A Response to Ruffini
Rome’s reputation is more important than promoting the works of a questionable artist
By John M. Grondelski | June 24th 2024 2:40 PMCatholic World Report carries an article about Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communications, who recently made a spirited defense of the Vatican’s ongoing use of Marko Rupnik’s art. His apologia came in remarks to press at the Catholic Media Conference in Atlanta June 21. According to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThou Shalt Post the Ten Commandments
Louisiana is right in privileging the laws inscribed by the Creator in every human heart
By John M. Grondelski | June 21st 2024 12:13 PMDavid French is one of a particular species of pundit, one who likes to trade on the gases of his erstwhile conservative credentials while reliably ending up where good liberals are expected to be. It was that imitation of the Colossus of Rhodes’ straddle that initially led to his famous…