The Narthex
War and True Peace
War does not bring true peace, especially not to those who sell their souls for power and glory
By Richard DellOrfano | May 13th 2022 8:00 PMA new military weapon is now revolutionizing warfare as did the machine gun and the atomic bomb. Miniature killer drones are inexpensive, more efficient, and silently effective compared to guided missiles that cost 20 times as much. This is not futuristic fiction. The Army is now in Phase III development…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNo to Gender Sameness
The sexes are built to complement each other
By Richard DellOrfano | May 9th 2022 2:15 PMMen and women are not biologically equal in function and physique. But the extreme liberal camp has promoted that baseless notion, insisting the sexes are interchangeable. Women are not physiologically built like men, as the task of raising the young requires specific biological and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCultivation of Imagination
Human imagination needs to be exercised or it atrophies
By Richard DellOrfano | May 2nd 2022 12:31 PMBefore color movies, TVs, and then iPhones came into widespread use, radio mystery stories like The Shadow Knows had the power to fascinate. The Orson Welles radio broadcast War of the Worlds was so vivid that it caused panic in the streets of major cities. I suspect that same broadcast…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBelief in the Afterlife
Jesus' promise of eternal life was anticipated by most of mankind
By Richard DellOrfano | April 25th 2022 3:00 PMThe archeological record of ritual burial practices indicates widespread belief in the afterlife, around the world and across time. The oldest evidence of prehistoric belief in the afterlife was discovered in the 1960s near Sungir, Russia, at a 34,000-year-old burial site of a middle-aged man. He was laid to rest…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Brief on Abortion
Science and the Church teach when human life begins
By Richard DellOrfano | April 9th 2022 3:25 PMThe first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus dated to 1550 BC. The only evidence in ancient laws of a death penalty for abortion is found in Assyrian law: the Code of Assura, c. 1075 BC. The epic Ramayana, c. 750BC, has a description of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTScruples over Snagging a Gopher
Guilt wafted over me, but Scripture came to the rescue
By Richard DellOrfano | April 1st 2022 3:30 PMOne morning this spring, I noticed my backyard lawn had an esker, a row of fresh dirt mounds. Each pile had a horseshoe shape, and I soon learned how they came to be. A gopher was tunneling underground. This rascal was pushing dirt to the surface from its nesting constructs.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSacrifice in History
In the affairs of men, little changes unless great masses of us have a change of heart
By Richard DellOrfano | March 28th 2022 2:30 PMThe practice of bloody sacrifice reaches far back in human history. For instance, archeologists recently dug up the bones of defective infants killed in Denmark 5,000 years ago. Perhaps the sacrifice was a primitive stab at eugenics; perhaps there is more to the story. To keep its vast empire intact,…
Catholic cultures have elaborate rituals for remembering their dead
By Richard DellOrfano | March 18th 2022 3:20 PMOur neighborhood still has mail -- mostly ads -- hand-delivered by a robust man in his sixties with whom I occasionally chat. He’s an intelligent man whose astute and informative perspective makes for lively conversations. For three weeks, someone had replaced him. Yesterday, I was glad to see Joe was…
An interesting depiction of the relationship of the triune God
By Richard DellOrfano | March 14th 2022 2:30 PMDuring its early history, the Christian church safeguarded the doctrine of the Holy Trinity by deeming deviant beliefs such as Montanism, Arianism, and Pelagianism as heresies. Even today, certain denominations such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Pentecostals reject the Holy Trinity. Jews and Muslims consider any belief beyond monotheism as…
Our rulers have long used news media to control the masses
By Richard DellOrfano | March 7th 2022 1:14 PMThree old men tagging eighty years old, myself included, were in a conference call discussing the State of the Union. It didn’t matter to us what Biden, a fellow geezer, would say Tuesday night. We could guess what he’d talk about: youth drug addiction, failing infrastructure, corporate taxes, COVID, NATO,…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Mediocrity is Excellence'
Archbishop Sheen described one factor now dragging down the West
By Richard DellOrfano | March 1st 2022 3:48 PMI learned in engineering economics that quantity diminishes quality when constrained by limited resources. Manufacturers, farmers, engineers, and artists are subject to that reality. It applies to all human endeavors. Examples of this are found in the produce aisle of your grocery store. Commercially-grown, gas-ripened fruits like apricots are bland…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPhysician, Heal Thyself
Government, insurance companies, and lawyers have degraded the practice of medicine
By Richard DellOrfano | February 17th 2022 8:44 PMAt age 12, I was rushed home from camp with pain in my abdomen. The family physician drove to our house and palpated my innards. He was a general practitioner who could read signs of ill health in ridged fingernails, bags under the eyes, and a beefy red tongue. That…
Do kids today talk about missiles, like we did in the 50s?
By Richard DellOrfano | February 4th 2022 5:41 PMWhen I was a 6th-grader walking home with friends from elementary school in the 50s, we would talk about all the interesting things heard in the news, like the Boston Braves leaving Boston or the first man to conquer Mt. Everest. We wondered what it was like to be Castro,…
Will our governments offer bribes for snitching, as in China?
By Richard DellOrfano | January 31st 2022 3:12 PMBetrayal is a part of human nature. If someone determines he may benefit by snitching on a friend, he may indeed give the Judas Kiss, an act appearing as one of friendship but which is harmful to the recipient. Judas is the model betrayer: weak-willed and full of selfish interest…
Total U.S. consumer spending on pets has reached $109 billion per year
By Richard DellOrfano | January 20th 2022 9:47 PMThe pet industry is reaping billions from modern man's spiritual desolation -- that sense of emptiness and disquiet that aches for remedy. As workaholism and an ever-higher cost of living moves people to delay or forego marriage and children, pets fill the void in their lives. It’s a sign of…