The Narthex
Pet Idolatry
Many have swapped affection for other human beings with devotion to their dogs
By Richard DellOrfano | January 13th 2022 10:09 PMI was a candidate for the Trappist monastery, back in 1968. Personal pets were not allowed—an ancient discipline to enhance the inner companionship of God. Though written rules about pets were unlikely before the 13th century, Ancrene Wisse (Rule for Anchoresses) made it clear that a religious recluse should avoid…
Those who say prayer accomplishes nothing haven’t dived deeply enough
By Richard DellOrfano | January 6th 2022 8:55 PMThe kingdom of heaven is like diving for sunken treasure and risking your life to find it. A coworker catalogued and filed "As Built" plans for us engineers after we’d finished our construction projects. I was intrigued by Sandy’s hobby of deep-sea diving, often done at great risk to life…
Whole-hearted love of God requires discipline and spiritual exercise
By Richard DellOrfano | December 9th 2021 9:25 PMMt. Everest is the highest mountain in the Himalayan system, located near the common border of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China. Everest, at 29,032 feet, has drawn climbers from every nation. Even the blind have risked their lives to climb it. Sir Edmund Hillary famously did so on May 23, 1953.…
A malformed conscience in adulthood distorts all reality
By Richard DellOrfano | December 2nd 2021 9:35 PMInadequate nutrition afflicted many children in the WWII years, due to food rationing. At an early age I developed myopia, and I suspect poor nutrition partly caused it. Evidence is mounting that this vision problem is growing around the world, with recent estimates at 30% and forecasts that by 2050…
Self-discipline and sacrifice far in excess of society’s moral code will keep us strong
By Richard DellOrfano | November 29th 2021 5:24 PMIn the late 1980s, a friend and I rode a trolley south from San Diego to the Imperial Beach sandcastle contest. After a short walk from the station, we stood before a packed crowd assembled around various castle projects. Some were 10-feet square and upwards of seven feet high, with…
READ FULL BLOG POSTUnder Watchful Eyes
Even a mere photograph of a pair of eyes influences our decisions
By Richard DellOrfano | November 18th 2021 7:09 PMQuantum physicists have learned that subatomic particles change their conduct when being observed. That proven fact raises the question whether the particles respond to being watched, as we do. Psychologists call that response, in humans, the Hawthorne Effect. For who can resist presenting the best version of himself under the…
On the symbiotic relationship between humans and sunflowers
By Richard DellOrfano | November 15th 2021 3:43 PMDown the road from my house is a nursery that cultivates sunflowers. I stopped nearby to ponder the hundreds of them, all aligned with the 3:00pm sun in the western sky. They stood like monks at their afternoon psalms, all transfixed by that scintillating altar monstrance representing the Son of…
How does a modern-day 'doubting Thomas' get to believe that Christ yet lives?
By Richard DellOrfano | November 5th 2021 3:26 PMAfter walking to San Diego’s Spruce Street in exploratory mode, I chanced upon a charming historical site, which still hovers in my memory: a suspension footbridge that looked to be about 400 feet long. Later I learned it was built in 1912 for access to a trolley line by homes…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCommunism as Religion
Mao made a pseudo-religion of the Party and aimed for conversion of all nations
By Richard DellOrfano | October 22nd 2021 3:53 PMOn Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's Life is Worth Living show of February 2, 1953 -- the episode entitled "The Death of Stalin" -- Sheen enacted Mark Antony’s eulogy for Julius Caesar, substituting Malenkov and Stalin as the two characters. “And now Malenkov speaks: ‘Friends, Soviets, countrymen, lend me your ears;…
As a monk I would have taken several vows: poverty, chastity, obedience, stability
By Richard DellOrfano | October 18th 2021 3:05 PMWhen I was twelve and going to Mass daily, my Masonic father slammed his hand on our kitchen table one evening and asked, “What’s this about daily Mass? No more of it.” I suppose my "excessive" religiosity was from watching Bishop Fulton Sheen on TV every week. Perhaps because my…
To the end we must persevere in our belief in Christ’s mercy
By Richard DellOrfano | October 4th 2021 2:19 PMI received a phone call from my 91-year-old friend Lou, who had asked me for advice on several occasions. I had just awakened from a nap, but my grogginess vanished on hearing the urgent tone of his voice. Lately his health had been failing from a hiatal hernia that caused…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMaster of Illusion
Houdini cautioned his audience about believing he had supernatural powers
By Richard DellOrfano | September 23rd 2021 9:19 PMHoudini was the master of illusion in the 1920s. Like today’s David Copperfield -- the highest paid solo performer in history -- Houdini mystified rapt audiences with incredible death-defying acts. As a youth he worked his card tricks and vanishing acts in dime circuses. After training as a locksmith he…
Trust is the crucial factor in the vaccination decision, but we have lost trust
By Richard DellOrfano | September 17th 2021 2:18 PMIn our everyday decisions we use hearsay reputations to decide, say, for or against a dentist or doctor. Reliable references from former patients are helpful, and as social animals we are inclined to run with the herd to survive. Hearsay statements are used to prove truth or falsehood but are…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNo Clocks in Heaven
Imagine no limit to our excursions into the vast frontiers of God’s space-time continuum!
By Richard DellOrfano | September 9th 2021 6:50 PMI looked at the wall clock in our kitchen and saw both a large and small hand pointing straight up at an odd symbol. At five years old, I had an idea it meant food when the hands overlapped there. Whenever that happened, Mom would tell me it’s lunchtime. Now,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWho's in Control?
Almighty God is ruler of countless wonders and marvels
By Richard DellOrfano | September 2nd 2021 2:18 PMYesterday I saw a black toy car about the size of a shoe box with 3-inch tires zip around the street, zigzagging, bucking, and avoiding curbs and bushes. Then I spotted a young boy remotely operating it, using an electronic device with his thumbs, signaling that plastic beast what to…