The Narthex
Deadly Gluttony
The lukewarm Christian daily satiates his sensual appetites and avoids restraint
By Richard DellOrfano | April 7th 2021 12:59 PMSeveral of my neighbors are overweight. One young woman can hardly squeeze into her shiny sports-car, which she pays others to keep spotlessly clean and mirror-waxed. Another family's grown kids are each well over 250 pounds. Though the parents seem in decent shape, their eldest son, in his forties and…
How can we accept aging and the fact that our bodies will die?
By Richard DellOrfano | March 26th 2021 2:53 PMI arise each morning, stumble to the sink, wash my face, and then stare in horror at the sagging, wrinkled jowls in the mirror. What happened to your youth, old boy? Yet, I don’t feel old; I can still huff and puff up big hills. That face in the mirror…
READ FULL BLOG POSTEndless Cycle of Revenge
Entire nations cannot easily do what we individuals can do in imitation of Christ
By Richard DellOrfano | March 17th 2021 2:56 PMI stood with 50 other engineers the morning of September 11, 2001, staring at a widescreen TV. In shocked disbelief, we gawked at another Boeing 767 passenger plane colliding into the second WTC tower, and finally, both towers cascading into a smoky heap. I shook my head, thinking this will…
Our Lord has raised an unsullied crop of priests and nuns in our midst
By Richard DellOrfano | March 10th 2021 3:07 PMTwenty years of clerical sex abuse scandals have rocked the Church. I heard that in 2002, after the Boston Globe reports, some clergy took to wearing civilian clothes in public to avoid heckling. A part of me was thankful that I had not become a brother or religious priest at…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBehavior Modification Lesson
Manipulative techniques push us to buy, vote, or behave in certain ways
By Richard DellOrfano | February 24th 2021 3:10 PMDecades ago I took a community college class in basic psychology. Other than the 40-something teacher, I was the oldest one there at age 30, sitting among younger adults in their late teens and early twenties. Here I was about to learn a painful lesson in human manipulation. The topic…
Is the genuine 'ageless' feeling experienced by elderly souls some sort of proof of immortality?
By Richard DellOrfano | February 16th 2021 6:28 PMIn adulthood I learned that neither my father nor my mother believed in the afterlife, much to my dismay and surprise. It happened while videoing their responses to some questions I prepared with the aim of sharing their wisdom derived from the Great Depression and war years. Within an hour,…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Social Scores' Are Coming
Western governments buy into China’s facial recognition & surveillance technology
By Richard DellOrfano | February 8th 2021 2:26 PMIt's been a long while since I entered the lottery at my local 76 gas station convenience store. The Mega Millions prize of nearly a billion dollars was too tempting, so I headed out to buy a Quick Pick. A pay-to-play $2 speculation raises my chance of winning a spectacular…
A life or death decision is made more difficult because fake news prevails
By Richard DellOrfano | January 27th 2021 6:58 PMA COVID vaccine soon will be available to me, as I’m nearly 79. My married brother and I recently discussed this. He is 77, has grandkids, and must business travel on commercial airplanes, so he would have to get the shot. I live like a hermit, and the only traveling…
READ FULL BLOG POSTChrist Borne Within Us
St. Symeon preached on direct experience of God and baptism of the Holy Spirit
By Richard DellOrfano | January 18th 2021 5:27 PMI recently saw evergreen trees piled high behind the Senior Center. A trash worker forgot to unlock the trash trailer bins. I stood beside the trees, breathing in the refreshing forest fragrance that conjured up happy Christmases past. It pulled me back to my childhood and the lighted tree in…
Some people avoid talking politics and religion, but not my feisty friend
By Richard DellOrfano | January 13th 2021 4:51 PMI visited her right after church on Christmas Sunday. It was still morning when I knocked on her door for my weekly visit. Della ushered me in. She had the tea cups already set out, alongside a plate of her favorite pastry. She indicated I should sit, as she reached…
Christ teaches us to store up real treasure for the afterlife
By Richard DellOrfano | December 30th 2020 4:26 PMValuable stashes from antiquity, like the Frome Hoard comprised of 52,503 ancient Roman coins found in Somerset, England, in 2010, have one common feature. All were buried with obvious intent to retrieve them at some future date. Maybe the threat of a wartime invasion, a revolution, or an economic collapse…
Jesus surely wants us uplifted and fulfilled by giving with empathetic generosity
By Richard DellOrfano | December 22nd 2020 5:13 PMSome billionaires have asked to be taxed more, and that is about to happen. Golden State legislators are pushing a first-in-the-nation net wealth tax bill, called AB-2088, that would affect some 300 Californians with a net worth of $30 million or more. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has $118 billion…
Socialists may gain control of the three branches of U.S. government
By Richard DellOrfano | December 10th 2020 12:49 PMThe dilemma we Catholics face in every election is having to decide which flawed candidate to vote for. Few Catholics in politics have the courage to buck their party’s platform and speak up for traditional moral tenets. The Catholic Voter Guide says one may not vote for an enemy of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Great Equalizer
True learning requires neither gold nor pedigree
By Richard DellOrfano | November 23rd 2020 9:05 PMWhen I was a high school sophomore in 1956, my ambitious father accompanied me to an interview at the plush home of a Phillips Andover Academy board trustee. At the time, the school adhered to a code of "WASP Ascendancy," breeding a ruling class where only sons of the upper…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPurgatory Here and Now
Do the tormented and aggrieved have a head start on their refinement?
By Richard DellOrfano | November 12th 2020 4:08 PMI have suffered heart arrhythmia most of my adult life. It has afflicted my parents, siblings, and their offspring. Two have had their heart valves replaced. I have many maternal cousins with hip and knee replacements. The husband of my maternal aunt contracted a brain cancer that killed him and…