The Narthex
Religious Masquerade
McCarrick, among others, wore the persona of charismatic spiritual father
By Richard DellOrfano | August 9th 2019 4:10 PM“During a carnival, men put masks over their masks.” -- Xavier Forneret Masks have been in use all over the world since before recorded history. In Central Africa, masks developed with a wide diversity and conveyed spiritual and religious meaning to ritual dances and ceremonies. In ancient Egypt, they…
Priests serve the Gospel and the people of God
By James Hanink | June 7th 2019 4:42 PMOnce upon a time, 1965 to be exact, a slim volume appeared with the title Everybody Calls Me Father. Its author was the anonymous Father X, a humble priest. (By the way, it’s still available.) Now comes Cardinal John Dew, headlined as “New Zealand’s top Catholic,” who encouraged priests not…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAscension Sunday?
A moved feast gives the entire Ascension/Pentecost event a manufactured aura
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | May 29th 2019 6:04 PMIt is that time of the liturgical year when we must face the question: Is Ascension Thursday a Holy Day of Obligation? The answer is in the affirmative as the Code of Canon Law (1246), in addition to all Sundays of the year, includes the Solemnity of the Ascension among…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFollow the Money Trail
Sexual unchastity breeds in a context of luxury and power
By Richard DellOrfano | March 7th 2019 4:36 PMMy dad used to say whenever motives got confusing, "Follow the money trail." The contemporary Church hierarchy now has one thing on its mind and one only: money. If prejudice is the essence of evil, then this hierarchy is evil in its prejudice for cushy retirements, luxury lifestyles, glorious cathedrals,…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Catholics Have Lost Patience'
Ponder the optics of expedited retirements for compromised bishops
By Barbara Rose | February 14th 2019 6:37 PMNOR readers who follow our daily news links are no doubt up-to-the-minute on the clerical sex abuse crisis. But for anyone who needs a one-article summary of said crisis, I recommend Emma Green’s “Why Does the Catholic Church Keep Failing on Sexual Abuse?” in The Atlantic (Feb. 14). Besides a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFending Off the Forces of Chaos
A true diabolic spirit denies the need for creeds and dogma
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | February 14th 2019 3:24 PMFormer prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Gerhard Cardinal Müller issued a "Manifesto of Faith" last week. Many within the Church hailed the document as both necessary and timely. Others responded less positively, attacking his manifesto as animated by a spirit of division and comparing him…
READ FULL BLOG POSTListen to the Woman
Marie Collins provides a concrete agenda for the upcoming abuse summit
By Barbara Rose | February 1st 2019 7:24 PMPope Francis has repeatedly voiced support for hearing more from women in the Church. According to Crux (Jan. 31) this week he and the Vatican were offered advice from prominent survivor of clerical sexual abuse Marie Collins. In fact the sturdy Irishwoman, who was appointed by Pope Francis to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTInspired by Bishop Sheen
His zeal and charisma continue to stir hearts
By Richard DellOrfano | January 29th 2019 3:32 PMIt was 1953 when I found myself at 11 years old tuning into Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s weekly Tuesday night commentaries on our black and white television. I don’t know how I got motivated to watch him every week, because my parents weren’t into Catholicism. I was raised a Catholic,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFacing Scandal Head On
Catholic prelates of our age could learn from Pope St. Gregory VII
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | January 25th 2019 5:07 PMFor three days in the winter of 1077, King Henry IV of Germany knelt barefoot in the snow, clad in a coarse wool shirt, outside a castle gate in northern Italy. Inside the castle was Pope St. Gregory VII. The king desperately wanted the Pope to hear his confession and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Celibate Priesthood
Catholics in Germany and elsewhere have become skeptical of celibacy
By Richard DellOrfano | January 14th 2019 4:43 PMCardinal Marx has called for "new thinking" on sexual issues, including celibacy. His liberal perspective reflects pressure to end mandatory priestly celibacy, a contested issue since sexual freedom has become a core principle of modern German culture. Catholics there have become skeptical of celibacy. Last November, the lay Central Committee…
The Pope has power over only one global problem
By Richard DellOrfano | November 12th 2018 3:51 PMPope Francis is humanely concerned with over a dozen man-made problems that even school kids would wonder why the world doesn’t do something about: plastics littering the oceans, deadly drug gangs in Mexico, insane wars sparked by the pride of men, murderous Christian persecutions in Muslim nations, materialistic culture and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPlease, No More Documents from Rome!
Church teaching goes from fresh and radical to utterly boring
By Barbara Rose | October 15th 2018 7:58 PMDoes the Synod of Bishops on Young People, running this month in Rome, strike anyone else as same-old same-old? The Church continues to come across as bureaucratic and uninspiring. Aside from some free trips to Rome for some motivated young people, it's hard to see how a train of meetings…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Next Reformation?
Healthy clericalism recognizes the dignity of the sacerdotal office
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | October 12th 2018 6:39 PMHistorical caricatures to the contrary, Martin Luther did not, at least initially, intend for the Protestant Revolution to happen. Even a cursory glance at his 95 Theses shows them to be far from revolutionary (assuming papal authority, validity of indulgences, etc.) and more like propositions for debate. The debate however…
A Chicago priest must hide from Cardinal Cupich?
By Richard DellOrfano | October 10th 2018 9:07 PMDuring the persecution of Catholics in Elizabethan England, Jesuit priests pretending to be family relatives or tutors hid in specially constructed ‘priest holes’ to avoid royal prosecutors. Surprise inspections and raids of family homes were not uncommon and if a priest was found, he would face torture and execution. Today,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWithholding Tithes
Alongside prayer, money is our weapon
By Richard DellOrfano | October 5th 2018 5:27 PMLegatus, a group of Catholic business leaders, announced it is withholding an $850,000 tithe to the Vatican until it gets adequate answers to questions raised by financial and sex-abuse scandals in the Church. Without stating as much, the group is acknowledging the presence of present-day "temple prostitutes" and is acting toward…