The Narthex
Inspired by Bishop Sheen
His zeal and charisma continue to stir hearts
By Richard DellOrfano | January 29th 2019 3:32 PMIt was 1953 when I found myself at 11 years old tuning into Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s weekly Tuesday night commentaries on our black and white television. I don’t know how I got motivated to watch him every week, because my parents weren’t into Catholicism. I was raised a Catholic,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFacing Scandal Head On
Catholic prelates of our age could learn from Pope St. Gregory VII
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | January 25th 2019 5:07 PMFor three days in the winter of 1077, King Henry IV of Germany knelt barefoot in the snow, clad in a coarse wool shirt, outside a castle gate in northern Italy. Inside the castle was Pope St. Gregory VII. The king desperately wanted the Pope to hear his confession and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFruits of the Same Tree
One cannot be both pro-life and in favor of contraception
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | January 18th 2019 4:03 PMSince its promulgation in 1995, St. John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium Vitae has become like a pro-life manifesto. It is often cited not just for its eloquence but for its passionate defense of the great dignity of human life. The saintly pontiff is quick to point out not just the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMusings on a Coffee Cup
A journey worth taking should take us somewhere worth going
By James Hanink | January 14th 2019 5:01 PMMy daughter’s coffee cup is big and brightly colored, with a charming picture of a girl on a bicycle holding a flower bouquet. What’s the message on the cup? It’s the heartening sentiment that “Life is a journey!” Hold on, now. Is there a question on the tip of your tongue?…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Celibate Priesthood
Catholics in Germany and elsewhere have become skeptical of celibacy
By Richard DellOrfano | January 14th 2019 4:43 PMCardinal Marx has called for "new thinking" on sexual issues, including celibacy. His liberal perspective reflects pressure to end mandatory priestly celibacy, a contested issue since sexual freedom has become a core principle of modern German culture. Catholics there have become skeptical of celibacy. Last November, the lay Central Committee…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBlessings All Around
God blesses us most of all through the Incarnation of His Son
By James Hanink | January 2nd 2019 3:47 PMThere’s a nasty cold making the rounds. Flu season has officially started. Was that you sneezing? Bless you! Maybe I’ll add gesundheit! Or maybe not, since gesundheit only means “good health,” and once upon a time it signaled a toast. But a blessing is decidedly different, isn’t it? Let’s see…
READ FULL BLOG POSTKeeping the Holy Family Holy
To say that Mary was an unwed mother is no harmless fiction
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | December 21st 2018 4:18 PMIn a tweet earlier this month, Minnesota State University Professor Eric Sprankle criticized the biblical account of the Annunciation saying that Mary did not give her consent. When the verses containing her fiat were pointed out to him, he walked it back saying that because of the power chasm existing…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Trojan Horse of Christmas
Santa's message to children is that Christmas is about gifts
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | December 17th 2018 5:03 PMA recent poll revealed that almost one-third of Americans and Brits are in favor of “rebranding” Santa Claus. Santa 2.0 might wear sneakers instead of his trademark boots or he might become she or it, with 27% of respondents favoring either gender neutralizing him or making him a woman. Christian…
The Immaculate Conception tells of both our littleness and God’s immensity
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | December 10th 2018 4:32 PMIn The World’s First Love, Fulton Sheen draws attention to the timing of the definition of the Immaculate Conception. The first televangelist sees in Pope Pius IX’s declaration a certain prophetic character that stood in stark contrast to the spirit of the times. Fueled by Rousseau, Darwin, Marx, and Mill, the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLocating God: a Logical Point
God isn’t a species within some genus
By James Hanink | November 15th 2018 4:32 PMRemember the drill? Which of these things does not belong? Example #1 (apple, banana, carrot). Easy! A carrot isn’t a fruit, so it doesn’t belong. Example # 2 (cat, dog, butterfly). Well, a butterfly isn’t a mammal, so it doesn’t belong. The logical point in each example is that the…
Christ speaks to us through others
By Richard DellOrfano | November 8th 2018 4:33 PMIn a low-rent Beacon Hill tenement where I once lived, I visited almost daily a disabled pensioner who was a former horse jockey, recently suffering from blackouts. He had had a metal plate embedded in his skull after a racing tumble, and it caused him unpredictable fainting spells. His merely…
READ FULL BLOG POST‘Hate Speech’ at Another Catholic College
Will this Jesuit college alter its actions and its character?
By Barbara Rose | November 7th 2018 7:23 PMYou may recall New Oxford Review’s story of a Providence College student named Michael Smalanskas, who bravely confronted politically-correct college administrators over his display about traditional Church teaching on marriage (see “The New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College,” May 2018; link here: Now it’s another…
The spirit of the traditional Día de Los Muertos
By James Hanink | November 7th 2018 4:36 PMWhen I die, I’ll have plenty to say. But, gentle reader, you’ll not hear it. Friends, neighbors, and writers of obituaries will, no doubt, have something to say. Fortunately, with my not being an old soldier, no one will comment that “he just faded away.” Most of us, it seems,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOvercoming the Masters of Suspicion
Freedom from slavery to our desires opens the path to authentic love
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | November 7th 2018 4:24 PMFriedrich Nietzsche once posited that the best way to defeat Christianity was to attack it not based on its truth but on its practical impossibility. From its impracticality the world will draw its own conclusions regarding its veracity. There is a certain diabolic deftness to an attack on this front…
READ FULL BLOG POSTImmigration and the Common Good
Thomas Aquinas gives an example of a just immigration policy
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | October 25th 2018 3:12 PMAs reported in a number of news sources, there are now two separate “migrant caravans” heading towards the US-Mexico border, totaling about 10,000 migrants from Central American countries. Their crawl to the border is like a slow fuse sure to reignite the contentious debate over immigration. Protecting migrants is part…