The Narthex
Paying Attention
Simone Weil writes, ‘Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer’
By James Hanink | October 18th 2023 8:02 PMImagine a protest in which activists chant, “What do we want? Free publicity! When do we want it? Now!” Easy enough, right? Isn’t it already the subtext of many demonstrations? Or imagine a political campaign soliciting money chiefly in order to solicit more money. Again, easy enough. Isn’t it the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Movie Ruined by Shallowness & Fake 'Diversity'
Thoughts on the third installment of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'
By John M. Grondelski | October 17th 2023 8:58 PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding was a 2002 movie about a Greek-American woman navigating life in America between the expectations of her immigrant family and assimilationist impulses in the United States. Rife with stereotypes, it traces Toula Portokalos’s life as a kid growing up with parents that run a diner,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTime, Eternity, and Australia’s Referendum
All our victories and all our setbacks are merely temporary
By David Daintree | October 17th 2023 2:06 PMConsider the following reflection on the true purpose and goal of human civilization: "Before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58). This stunning statement assures us, with crystal clarity, that God's dwelling place is beyond and outside time. It's true that Scripture often tries to explain eternity by analogy with time…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDo Something for Our Veterans!
We Catholics have more to offer than the usual tributes
By John M. Grondelski | October 6th 2023 11:25 AMNovember 11 is Veterans Day -- about five weeks from now. On that day we honor those who have served, and especially those who have died, for their country. How do we honor those veterans? The typical American approach is to give speeches, pay tributes, and eventually to lay a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhat Mercy Is and Is Not
When we speak of mercy, we surely need to think of repentance
By James Hanink | October 5th 2023 11:53 AMSo often does Pope Francis speak of mercy that some wonder whether mercy has become an unconditional and universal absolution. It is not. Definitely not. Whatever his limits might be, Francis’s words about abortionists and arms merchants are anything but exculpatory. Indeed, St. John Paul II’s encyclical on mercy, Dives…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWill the Synod Offer Clarity or Confusion?
Christ's 'welcome' message was 'Repent and believe the Gospel'
By John M. Grondelski | October 3rd 2023 8:46 PMThe recent Gospel about what two sons did with their father’s call to work in his vineyard seems fitting for the week we begin a “synod about synodality.” The Gospel is ultimately about sin and repentance. Both sons sin. One sins by refusing to work in the vineyard, although he…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPriests & Guardian Angels
Guardian angels are hardy warriors that help pastors to sanctify their people
By John M. Grondelski | September 30th 2023 5:56 PMOctober 2 is the Memorial of the Guardian Angels. Once a year, the Church reminds us of an important tradition that points to God’s Providential care: that each human person receives a guardian angel to accompany him in life. Your path to heaven is not solitary; you are accompanied by…
One locus of the devil’s great envy is the human ability to give life
By John M. Grondelski | September 29th 2023 8:07 PMI’m blessed to have the Rev. Paul Scalia as a pastor, in part because he inspires me with lines of theological thought I hadn’t considered. He did that last Sunday, with his reflections on the Gospel of the Vineyard Owner who pays all his workers a day’s wage. Fr. Scalia…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDon’t Take Your Anger to Bed
Anger inflates to seem a lot bigger and more important than it often really is
By John M. Grondelski | September 21st 2023 1:06 PMLast Sunday’s readings focused on the corrosive effect of unjust anger and its ability to choke off -- as in the case of the wicked servant’s debtor, literally -- mercy. There is, of course, the danger of thinking that all anger is always bad. That’s not true. Anger is an…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMacro-Matters & Wonder
Our faith leads us to embrace the universe and hold sacred the person
By James Hanink | September 20th 2023 11:28 AM“Philosophy begins in wonder.” So says Aristotle in his Metaphysics. Reflecting on this text, St. Thomas teaches that a goal of metaphysics is to establish the truth about the first and universal causes of things. If we achieve this goal, he writes, “there should be no wonder because the causes…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhere is Fraternal Correction in Fratelli Tutti?
Pope Francis does not reference teaching on fraternal admonishment
By John M. Grondelski | September 14th 2023 11:38 AMLast Sunday’s Gospel focused on fraternal correction and the steps required for the gradual acceleration of a process to correct an errant brother. From informal conversation to discussion in front of witnesses to Church adjudication to excommunication, fraternal correction makes clear that the integrity of ecclesial teaching trumps “welcome” and,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAdmonishing the Sinner
The Gospel answers the question 'who am I to judge?' by saying it's the Church’s job
By John M. Grondelski | September 11th 2023 2:03 PMCritics sometimes argue that among the deficiencies of contemporary homiletics there is a prominent lack of moral content and instruction. That should not have been the case with last Sunday’s Gospel and readings. I will spell out why. Last Sunday’s Gospel can be misread if it is reduced to a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Measure of Conscience
On our sorry attempts at self-deception, both personal and societal
By James Hanink | September 6th 2023 11:49 AMClassical literature, unlike today’s invasive shlock, offers us a legacy of rich moral reflections. Two related instances come to mind. Both make insightful judgments about our sorry attempts at self-deception, both personal and societal. In his haunting novella The Death of Ivan Ilych (1886), Leo Tolstoy points out how often…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTabernacles versus Tuppernacles
Utilitarianism has beset Eucharistic praxis for a long time
By John M. Grondelski | August 24th 2023 6:44 PMSeveral writers have already addressed the question of how the Eucharist was treated during the just-concluded World Youth Day in Lisbon. I want to focus on a particular attempt to justify the use of “Tuppernacles” and the way the Blessed Sacrament was mass-packaged in plastic containers (“Tuppernacles” is Peter Kwasniewski’s…
Ideologues call living in accord with Catholic teaching 'dysfunctional'
By John M. Grondelski | August 23rd 2023 7:20 PMI recently applauded Worcester Bishop Robert McManus’s newly promulgated policy requiring Catholic schools in the diocese to use a child’s legal name, not a gender-ideology driven substitute, when addressing a child (and not just in official documents). The policy even goes further in establishing one’s given name identity: if, after…