The Narthex
Luke uses the same word for the newborn Jesus and the unborn John
By John M. Grondelski | May 31st 2024 3:10 PMToday is the Solemnity of the Visitation, commemorating when Mary -- in her first trimester -- made a 90-mile trip from Nazareth in Galilee to Ein Karem in Judea to tend to her “kinswoman” Elizabeth, in her third trimester. We will celebrate the birth of John the Baptist next month,…
Why do we no longer use the word 'murder'?
By John M. Grondelski | May 29th 2024 8:32 PMIn the old Catholic catechism, four sins were identified as “crying to heaven for vengeance” – murder, sodomy, defrauding workers of their wages, and oppression of the widow and orphan. Outrage, rightly understood, is a moral thing. To be outraged at injustice, especially when it is tolerated or even pronounced…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBabel, Diversity, and Unity
The principle of unity is not language or culture but God
By John M. Grondelski | May 20th 2024 2:13 PM"Diversity" is the mot du jour, celebrated in all sorts of circles. Alas, many of those celebrating “diversity” are unclear about whether or how it connects to “unity.” Perhaps the readings for Pentecost can help. The central truth of Pentecost is the Holy Spirit, who is the principle of unity.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTProtest and Witness
Is disciplined nonviolent action still possible?
By James Hanink | May 15th 2024 8:19 PMA feisty fellow I knew liked to ask Protestants just what they were protesting. A wise Protestant might answer in terms of a positive protestation, for example, the rule of sola scriptura. A bellicose Protestant, in contrast, might reply “No popery!” Note well: the word “protest” can have either a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Non-Compete Clauses
Should contracts that limit post-employment in the same general field be banned?
By John M. Grondelski | April 23rd 2024 11:49 AMThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is expected Tuesday to vote on a regulation banning “non-compete” clauses in employment contracts. Non-compete clauses are provisions in employment contracts that prohibit employees from working in that profession for a certain period of time or within a certain radius of the former employer. They…
READ FULL BLOG POST‘It Can’t Happen Here’
How can we point the accusing finger when we ourselves are so compromised by evil?
By David Daintree | April 12th 2024 2:22 PMOn several occasions at the end of WWII, army commanders who liberated German concentration camps forced local people to file through, under guard, meet some of the prisoners, and witness for themselves the horror of it all. For most of those people the experience must have been deeply traumatic, and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Earliest Christians Were Not Proto-Socialists
Acts 4 was not a people's republic with some holy water added
By John M. Grondelski | April 8th 2024 11:50 AMActs 4:32-35 speaks of the spiritual and temporal unity of the early Christian Church, exemplified in the common holding of property. The text no doubt makes visions of socialist sugar plums dance in some “social justice-plus” types' heads. I hate to wake them up from their dreams. The Church in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCriminal Gangs, Then and Now
For criminals and criminal states alike, it is in no way lawful to slay the innocent
By James Hanink | February 15th 2024 1:04 PMChange is a constant, with mixed results. But so, too, is a grim stasis, a permanent condition in this Vale of Tears. With regard to change, the players surely change. In St. Augustine’s time, the Roman Empire still held sway, though invaders from the North stormed its borders and sought…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJudging Not by the Color of One's Skin
Ethically speaking, judging a person on racial terms is intrinsically evil
By John M. Grondelski | February 1st 2024 1:05 PMFebruary is observed as Black History Month. This year was also the 95th birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Both events are relevant to renewing our commitment to a colorblind society, especially after last summer’s Supreme Court decisions on discrimination in college admissions. The man who spoke at the Lincoln…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs Making Orphans Good Public Policy?
Michigan lawmakers will consider legalization of commercial baby-buying and selling
By John M. Grondelski | January 8th 2024 12:21 PMAmong the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance is oppression of the widow and orphan. The Bible saw exploitation of widows and orphans as the epitome of moral turpitude because both groups were, by their very status, vulnerable. In today’s parlance, they are “on the peripheries.” In Judaism,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSOS for Pregnancy Centers
A proposed HHS rule would effectively ban federal TANF grants to pregnancy centers
By John M. Grondelski | December 1st 2023 1:11 PMIf you are reading this on Friday, December 1, you have until midnight to act on a pro-life matter. On October 2, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published a proposed rule to change regulations on what can be funded under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBefore Weeping, a Pause and a Prayer
Peace in the Middle East will be the work of justice
By James Hanink | November 14th 2023 2:44 PMEven in her nineties Rena Poulos, Inglewood’s restauranteur of renown, would ask paper-reading patrons, “Any good news yet?” These days would she even bother to ask? For my part, as a mid-septuagenarian, I’m attuned to the folly of youth. My own daughter hasn’t registered to vote, even though she could…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAnother Missed Catholic Teaching Moment
The Hamas attack momentarily woke Western man from his moral slumber
By John M. Grondelski | October 30th 2023 2:02 PMMany Americans were rightfully repulsed when they watched students on American college campuses openly declaring their support for Hamas terrorists that killed over 1,400 people and took and still hold hundreds of hostages. It’s ongoing: On October 24, somebody projected pro-Hamas slogans -- including “Glory to Our Martyrs!” -- onto…
The Biden administration inches the U.S. down 'the road towards a third world war'
By Barbara Rose | September 26th 2023 2:49 PMLast week Ukrainian President Zelensky visited the U.S. and Canada seeking more money and weapons. As reported by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos at Responsible Statecraft (Sept. 22), the Biden administration agreed to give Ukraine long-range missiles in the “upcoming weeks.” The warheads in question, called ATACMs, were previously considered to be…
Many claim to believe in it, but few understand or tolerate it in practice
By David Daintree | August 31st 2023 12:26 PMThe Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies is tasked with “advancing the good name of the Catholic intellectual tradition.” At the outset it was made clear that it was to operate at arm's length from the Church and enjoy a high degree of independence, for its brief was not so…