The Narthex
Receiving a Child & One's Cross
Sacrifice is part of parenthood and marriage because it is part of the human condition
By John M. Grondelski | September 24th 2024 11:24 AMJesus told His disciples that as they “receive” a child, they receive not just Him but He who sent Him. In the past I have written about Jesus’ words in light of Catholic teaching about parenthood and openness to life (article linked below). If we are to recognize children and,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #13
The Value of a Smile... Overheard Conversations... 'The Doctor Will Kill You Now'... and more
By John M. Grondelski | September 13th 2024 2:25 PMThe Value of a Smile This morning, a woman sat opposite me on the Metro. I didn't know her nor she me, but I did notice one thing. She smiled, not just at me but at whomever she looked. She didn't try to pretend she saw nobody in a car…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Truth about Kamala Harris on Abortion
She dodges and deflects on this question to make her extremism look 'moderate'
By John M. Grondelski | September 11th 2024 12:01 PMIn her debate answers on abortion, Kamala Harris showed how she will dodge and deflect on this question to make her pro-abortion extremism look "moderate." Catholics need to be clear about -- and tells others -- how Kamala Harris (and Democrats) lie about abortion. Harris says she will “reinstate Roe…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Israel's War Against Hamas
An account of lost civilian lives, physical destruction, and Israel’s conduct of the war -- Part 2
By James Thunder | September 3rd 2024 12:03 PMIn Part 1, linked below, I looked at the Catholic Church’s criteria for just war and just conduct of war. Here I turn to the loss of civilian lives and physical destruction, and address the issue of Israel’s conduct of the war. Hamas alleges a large number of deaths among…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #12
Freedom Versus Self-Will... Sr. Theresa Kane, RIP... Fr. Reese on Deacons... September Nature...
By John M. Grondelski | September 2nd 2024 11:39 AMFreedom Versus Self-Will Continuing my way through Roman Brandstaetter's superb literary corpus, I ran into a collection of short meditations he penned, inspired by his positive encounter with Franciscanism. He spoke of a writer, sitting at his desk, who noticed a bee walking along his window pane. Caringly, he opened…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs Israel's War Against Hamas Immoral?
Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church to evaluate the ongoing war -- Part 1
By James Thunder | August 27th 2024 8:24 PMThe number of killed, injured, and displaced people among two million Gazans has been large and is growing. I hope my words here will contribute to a conversation on assessing the morality of Israel’s actions. The social teaching of the Catholic Church appeals to human reason, not only to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJust War Is Still Vital
The Church fails in its teaching duty if its advice is 'hoping & praying' that war goes away
By John M. Grondelski | July 25th 2024 12:22 PMJust war theory remains vital because -- naïve thinking aside -- war is not going away as long as men are sinners. As long as men are sinners, some will try to do injustice to others by force. As long as some are victims of injustice, they have a right…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThou Shalt Post the Ten Commandments
Louisiana is right in privileging the laws inscribed by the Creator in every human heart
By John M. Grondelski | June 21st 2024 12:13 PMDavid French is one of a particular species of pundit, one who likes to trade on the gases of his erstwhile conservative credentials while reliably ending up where good liberals are expected to be. It was that imitation of the Colossus of Rhodes’ straddle that initially led to his famous…
Behind the West's civilizational crisis is a bait and switch cultural appropriation -- and we fall for it
By John M. Grondelski | June 19th 2024 9:12 PM“Sleek barbarians” is a term and concept articulated by contemporary Polish philosopher Zbigniew Stawrowski which I have tried to popularize and disseminate in the English-speaking world. I do so because the concept seems to have even broader application here than in Poland (though Poland does not lack for its own…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNo Motherhood without the 'Matria Potestas'
Many young women insist on having the power of life or death over their offspring
By John M. Grondelski | June 18th 2024 2:07 PMThe patria potestas was a legal power held by fathers in the Roman Empire. If you think that Tiberius was just dad in a toga, think again. In Roman law, a father had rights over his family, including the right of who could bear his name. If, therefore, a child…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Only God Can Make a Tree'
Jesus was a carpenter; His sayings and parables show a predilection for trees
By John M. Grondelski | June 17th 2024 12:05 PMSunday’s readings said a lot about trees and their growth. The First Reading spoke about God, who fosters some trees and withers others. The Gospel spoke of the tiny mustard seed that produces a large tree. The Catholic poet Joyce Kilmer wrote a poem, “Trees,” that was once standard fare in…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Religious Reasons'
If religion is relegated to personal feeling, then opposition to immoral acts can’t be serious, right?
By James Hanink | June 13th 2024 8:07 PMWe’re told that it’s for “religious reasons” that someone opposes abortion. And it’s for “religious reasons” that someone opposes euthanasia. So we read in, for example, newspapers of record like the L.A. Times. What we don’t read, of course, is that someone opposes the policy of nuclear deterrence for religious…
The U.S. bishops must make some noise this summer on abortion legislation
By John M. Grondelski | June 10th 2024 12:03 PMScientists tell us that 2024 is a unique year. Every so often, Americans in different regions experience the emergence of cicadas, insects that burrow underground until their new brood hatches and then announce their arrival with uproarious noise. What makes 2024 special is that two different broods -- one that…
Luke uses the same word for the newborn Jesus and the unborn John
By John M. Grondelski | May 31st 2024 3:10 PMToday is the Solemnity of the Visitation, commemorating when Mary -- in her first trimester -- made a 90-mile trip from Nazareth in Galilee to Ein Karem in Judea to tend to her “kinswoman” Elizabeth, in her third trimester. We will celebrate the birth of John the Baptist next month,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe States & Free Exercise of Religion
Let’s amend state constitutions to prevent future shuttering of churches
By John M. Grondelski | May 27th 2024 3:17 PMPaul Benjamin Linton is author of the magisterial Abortion under State Constitutions -- which has gone through three editions -- and the recognized pro-life authority on that subject. While Roe v. Wade held abortion policy hostage to an imagined federal “right,” Linton reminded us that every state has its own…