The Narthex
‘It Can’t Happen Here’
How can we point the accusing finger when we ourselves are so compromised by evil?
By David Daintree | April 12th 2024 2:22 PMOn several occasions at the end of WWII, army commanders who liberated German concentration camps forced local people to file through, under guard, meet some of the prisoners, and witness for themselves the horror of it all. For most of those people the experience must have been deeply traumatic, and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTrue and False Abortion History
It’s not true that abortion was unregulated in America before 1821
By John M. Grondelski | April 11th 2024 2:35 PMMuch wailing and gnashing of teeth followed the Arizona Supreme Court's recent upholding of the state’s 1864 abortion act. The wailers' false narrative asks: How can we be governed by a 160-year-old law? If you listen to abortionists, they will try to spin a fake history of abortion law, originally…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAn Abortion Puzzlement
Pro-aborts claim a miscarriage you don’t want is life-threatening, but one you do want is no big deal
By John M. Grondelski | April 10th 2024 2:30 PMI spent Saturday, while waiting for the accountant to do my taxes, reading Stephanie Gray Connors’s new book My Body for You: A Pro-Life Message for a Post-Roe World (link below). It’s a very readable and worthwhile presentation of pro-life arguments, especially in hard cases, which are becoming the stock-in-trade of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn a Bridge Falling Down
Revisiting Thornton Wilder’s 1927 classic 'Bridge of San Luis Rey'
By John M. Grondelski | March 26th 2024 7:49 PMToday at 1:20 a.m., a container ship struck the finest bridge in all Baltimore, causing its collapse and leaving seven vehicles to drop into the bay below. The bridge was on the ring road around Baltimore and tens of thousands of people passed over it every day. It had been…
Miscarriage is a loss that's often invisible except to the mother and father
By John M. Grondelski | March 22nd 2024 12:17 PMSpring is a time of life and hope. That’s apparent in nature. It’s also apparent in the liturgical year, as the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation on March 25. People begin going outdoors and, sometimes, baby carriages appear more prominent. But, in the midst of that life and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFrance and Ireland
Bad news, grounds for hope, and good news in formerly Catholic countries
By David Daintree | March 19th 2024 9:19 PMThe mainstream media have had much to say about the recent constitutional change in France, and they have done so for the most part with little detail, but much euphoric delight. My thanks to Fr. Pius Noonan for finding the actual words for me, which are as follows: “La loi…
READ FULL BLOG POSTParental Rights Are Not Just about Which School
Health care and education activists wrongly claim to be parents’ partners
By John M. Grondelski | January 26th 2024 12:02 PMI recently argued that “National School Choice Week” should be renamed “National Parental Choice Week” (link below). I did so because I want to recast the educational debate. School choice is not primarily about schools but about students. Schools are secondary. They are the tools by which students are educated.…
The day that abortion is illegal in law and unthinkable in practice is still not upon us
By John M. Grondelski | January 19th 2024 2:14 PMJanuary 19 marks the 50th anniversary of the March for Life. The late Nellie Gray, then a Washington attorney, was determined not to let pass the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade without a protest. Since that first effort, pro-lifers have trudged to Washington -- rain, shine, snow, or frigid…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhat Hath Notre Dame to Do with Harvard?
Universities must embrace truth, not 'freedom of inquiry' and 'diversity of opinion'
By John M. Grondelski | January 15th 2024 12:51 PMAn Indiana state judge dismissed Notre Dame sociology professor Tamara Kay’s defamation suit against a Notre Dame student newspaper for exposing her abortion advocacy, including her seeming facilitation of abortions by providing students information where they could obtain abortifacients. Kay wanted to exact punitive damages from the paper for exposing…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #9
Broken Laws... Keeping Crosses... Ivy League Drama... Venus and Mars... and more
By John M. Grondelski | January 9th 2024 1:24 PMCalendar Conundrums Has it ever troubled our liturgically befuddled bishops, who have made a goulash of six holydays of obligation (transferring some while making others obligatory depending on their day in the week) that, in our modern world, if you say “January 6,” more people think of “insurrection” than “Epiphany?”…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs Making Orphans Good Public Policy?
Michigan lawmakers will consider legalization of commercial baby-buying and selling
By John M. Grondelski | January 8th 2024 12:21 PMAmong the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance is oppression of the widow and orphan. The Bible saw exploitation of widows and orphans as the epitome of moral turpitude because both groups were, by their very status, vulnerable. In today’s parlance, they are “on the peripheries.” In Judaism,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhy Knowing How Many Patients You Have Matters
When we overlook the obvious, we can do real evil
By John M. Grondelski | January 5th 2024 12:26 PMStephen Doran’s new book, To Die Well: A Catholic Neurosurgeon’s Guide to the End of Life, is a gem that pulls off several achievements simultaneously. It’s readable while tackling the major issues of bioethics around death and dying while situating the whole discussion in a spiritual context, recognizing that death…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCanada’s Euthanasia Abyss
As Canada goes, so will California go. And as California goes, too often goes the U.S.
By James Hanink | January 3rd 2024 9:23 PMWithin the Octave of Christmas, a Feast of Life, a New York Times (A1, Dec. 28) headline read, “Assisted Death for the Mentally Ill Divides Canada.” This March will bring the Government’s decision. No mention in the Times, of course, of killing. Instead the piece speaks of a “practice,” a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGetting Holy Innocents Right
It is celebrated in red because the children were dead, not because the Family fled
By John M. Grondelski | December 27th 2023 12:36 PMTomorrow, December 28, is the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs. I make that explicit because in the past few years there has been something like an ecclesiastical version of bait-and-switch in some quarters to change the focus of the feast. Today’s feast is about children: baby boys aged two…
READ FULL BLOG POSTContraception & Cremation
Both require we grapple with the reality of embodiment
By John M. Grondelski | December 18th 2023 2:50 PMRegular readers know I am a harsh critic of cremation and of the Church’s misconceived 1963 decision to tolerate it. I have repeatedly argued that that 1963 rescission of the prohibition on cremation allowed the camel to poke its nose under the tent, upending the latter. The most cursory survey…