The Narthex
Love Is a Decision
Film, Faith, and Morals Series -- No. 2
By John M. Grondelski | February 14th 2025 12:31 PMMarty is a great film, both for National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and for Valentine’s Day weekend. Even though it is 71 years old, it’s telling to see what’s changed -- and what hasn’t -- since 1954. (And, I'll admit, there's something about black-and-white films.) Marty (played by Ernest Borgnine) is…
The first generation of Dominicans managed to turn France around and defeat heresy
By John M. Grondelski | August 8th 2024 11:57 AMAlasdair MacIntyre, in his important book After Virtue, suggests what the world needs today is “another -- doubtless very different -- Saint Benedict.” Some might argue that Pope Benedict XVI was that new “Benedict” speaking to the modern world. I’d like to suggest what the world needs today is a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNo Motherhood without the 'Matria Potestas'
Many young women insist on having the power of life or death over their offspring
By John M. Grondelski | June 18th 2024 2:07 PMThe patria potestas was a legal power held by fathers in the Roman Empire. If you think that Tiberius was just dad in a toga, think again. In Roman law, a father had rights over his family, including the right of who could bear his name. If, therefore, a child…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCapstone Marriage, Capstone Parenthood
We might fix a lot of our problems by listening to "doin' what comes naturally"
By John M. Grondelski | May 13th 2024 2:02 PMHas our modern world made things that, for earlier generations came naturally, harder? And, in fact, do those things have to be harder? Tim Carney, author of Family Unfriendly, says there are contemporary changes in society that do make being a parent harder, both objectively (if kids don’t have sidewalks,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMasking Attitudes
Activists chant 'death to America' while cowering behind surgical masks
By John M. Grondelski | April 19th 2024 3:23 PMLast weekend, as Iran launched missiles and drones on Israel, that coterie of pro-terrorist leftists Lenin once aptly titled “useful idiots” were launching protests in various American cities. One social media posting showed a group in Chicago learning Persian. They were learning marg bar Asra’eyl (“death to Israel”) and marg…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPeople of the Plant
The story of a life-giving custom
By James Thunder | April 1st 2024 8:04 PMSome time ago, my wife and I were visiting my elderly, widowed father in his home in suburban Chicago. We remarked to him that, in his 25 years in this home, his gardening had achieved outstanding results, due not only to his efforts but to superbly fecund loam. Since all…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFrance and Ireland
Bad news, grounds for hope, and good news in formerly Catholic countries
By David Daintree | March 19th 2024 9:19 PMThe mainstream media have had much to say about the recent constitutional change in France, and they have done so for the most part with little detail, but much euphoric delight. My thanks to Fr. Pius Noonan for finding the actual words for me, which are as follows: “La loi…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDivorce, from the Eyes of Children
On a film in which the children do not 'accompany' their wayward parents
By John M. Grondelski | February 23rd 2024 1:06 PMEx ore infantium comes from Psalm 8:3, “from the mouths of babes and infants.” I was reminded of that phrase recently while watching a perhaps unfairly neglected movie from 1965, “The Battle of the Villa Fiorita.” The film, starring Maureen O’Hara and Rossano Brazzi, is based on a book by…
READ FULL BLOG POSTHumanae Vitae at 55
The anniversary of an important encyclical of the 20th century has gone unnoticed
By John M. Grondelski | July 25th 2023 12:55 PMPope St. Paul VI’s encyclical on human life (not “birth control”), Humanae vitae, marks its 55th anniversary Tuesday, July 25. Yes, you can be pardoned if you -- like most people -- didn’t notice. Arguably one of the most important encyclicals of the 20th century, not just in terms of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTConfusion or Obfuscation?
The Church cannot bless two people specifically in relation to a disordered coupling
By James Hanink | July 11th 2023 3:49 PMEndless print and online controversy can be a bit much. News from inside the Vatican, for example, can yield TMI—too much information. Beware the perils of second-hand theological controversy. Still, there are times when one might offer a comment or three. Consider some recent remarks of the Argentine theologian and…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTime, Weekends, & Childhood
The protective wall of childhood innocence is being breached
By John M. Grondelski | June 14th 2023 1:16 PMThe Psalmist sings of praise and wisdom from an unexpected source: “out of the mouth of children and of babes” (8:2). Occasionally one can find another source: in advertisements. An ad seen this morning in the Washington Metro was headlined “Childhood Passes Faster Than a Weekend.” Don’t it? Perhaps I’m…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhere Are the June Weddings?
Church teaching on marriage is attractive, but it requires talking about it. We're not
By John M. Grondelski | June 7th 2023 11:58 AMOnce upon a time, not too long ago, June used to be associated with marriage. People spoke of “June weddings.” But while Stevie Wonder might have just been calling to say “I love you,” there was something prescient in his lyric about “no wedding Saturday within the month of June.”…