The Narthex
The Measure of Conscience
On our sorry attempts at self-deception, both personal and societal
By James Hanink | September 6th 2023 11:49 AMClassical literature, unlike today’s invasive shlock, offers us a legacy of rich moral reflections. Two related instances come to mind. Both make insightful judgments about our sorry attempts at self-deception, both personal and societal. In his haunting novella The Death of Ivan Ilych (1886), Leo Tolstoy points out how often…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #7
This Is a 'Sense of Sin?'... But Real Evil? Of That, Neither See Nor Speak
By John M. Grondelski | August 28th 2023 3:11 PM“Sex Work,” Trafficking, and Trucks Pamela Paul reports in the New York Times (Aug. 17) that some New York feminists are fighting to get editors to drop the euphemism “sex worker” from their style books. She explains that many have adopted this linguistic stand-in because they don’t want to appear…
Ideologues call living in accord with Catholic teaching 'dysfunctional'
By John M. Grondelski | August 23rd 2023 7:20 PMI recently applauded Worcester Bishop Robert McManus’s newly promulgated policy requiring Catholic schools in the diocese to use a child’s legal name, not a gender-ideology driven substitute, when addressing a child (and not just in official documents). The policy even goes further in establishing one’s given name identity: if, after…
READ FULL BLOG POSTProtecting the Integrity of Names in Worcester
Man is not self-made but a gift from God through parents who co-create under Him
By John M. Grondelski | August 21st 2023 11:37 AMBishop Robert McManus of Worcester, Massachusetts, has mandated that Catholic schools in his diocese use a child’s legal name, not substitutes a student, driven by gender ideology, might want. Congratulations to him for providing episcopal leadership! [To see McManus's policy, click here.] But, some may ask, doesn’t that harm…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSexual Extremes in Ohio
Hedonism and a kind of Puritanism battle life-giving love
By John M. Grondelski | August 7th 2023 2:47 PM"Les extremes se touchent" means the extremes touch each other, they overlap. People say the Church’s teachings about sex and life are extreme, but the truly extreme, truly contradictory response comes from its opponents. That sex can give life and foster a unique spousal relationship is not some esoteric Catholic…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #4
Treasures and Pearls... Go See 'Sound of Freedom'... Transfiguration Is No Isolated Event
By John M. Grondelski | August 4th 2023 12:24 PMTreasures and Pearls Last Sunday's Gospel wrapped up three weeks of Matthew 13, the chapter replete with various parables about the Kingdom of Heaven. It's only natural, therefore, that most preaching focused on the Kingdom as the buried treasure or the pearl of great price. So when my pastor, Fr.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOhio Pro-Lifers Need to Get Out and Vote August 8
Pro-abortion money, especially from out of state, is targeting the Ohio Constitution
By John M. Grondelski | August 3rd 2023 2:37 PMPro-abortionists in Ohio are pulling all stops to pass a state constitutional amendment by ballot referendum this November to ensconce abortion in the Buckeye State. The amendment is particularly aggressive because, in addition to wiping out all prenatal protections through birth (notwithstanding window-dressing language about "viability" that is promptly eviscerated…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #3
Voting with Feet... Pantheism Keeps Marching On... But It Was Foreseen... and more
By John M. Grondelski | July 28th 2023 2:56 PMEyes (and Minds) Voting with Feet Most mornings I have a 20 minute wait at my bus stop. The shelter has one of those electronic ad boards, so I get to see a limited loop of what advertisers want to sell. It’s often a telling commentary on the world today,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTHumanae Vitae at 55
The anniversary of an important encyclical of the 20th century has gone unnoticed
By John M. Grondelski | July 25th 2023 12:55 PMPope St. Paul VI’s encyclical on human life (not “birth control”), Humanae vitae, marks its 55th anniversary Tuesday, July 25. Yes, you can be pardoned if you -- like most people -- didn’t notice. Arguably one of the most important encyclicals of the 20th century, not just in terms of…
Illuminating crises is what Catholic intellectuals ought to be doing
By John M. Grondelski | July 18th 2023 12:56 AMThere's a trope out there that orthodox Catholics write out of anger. That's unfair. I offer a short apologia for what usually motivates me to write. Take a piece I just published, on the murder of a 20-something Kentucky school teacher in Washington. The killing took place in broad daylight…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations
On double standards, denial, mores & mercy
By John M. Grondelski | July 14th 2023 2:07 PMArizona Governor Undermines Law Enforcement The New York Times reports that Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs apparently doesn’t feel any obligation to abide by her constitutional oath faithfully to execute Arizona’s laws. In the wake of Dobbs, Arizona’s legislature enacted protective pro-life legislation that mirrors the Mississippi law upheld in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTManners, Morals, and Children's Names
Many think the only legitimate position a parent should take is to 'affirm' what a child says he wants
By John M. Grondelski | June 29th 2023 3:59 PMOnce upon a time, people distinguished between morals and manners. One shouldn’t offend either, but violating the former is a lot more serious than infringing on the latter. People instinctively recognize sleeping with your neighbor’s wife is in a qualitatively different ethical league than eating your main course with a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGod's 'Right to Privacy'
Christianity does not admit of zones of life shielded from the Divine gaze and judgment
By John M. Grondelski | June 27th 2023 9:36 PMIn the wake of the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, partisans of abortion-on-demand continue to assert their “right to privacy” and trot out numerous other bogeymen of what an “out-of-control Supreme Court” might yet do to “human rights.” In light of this obsession with protecting…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFive Years after McCarrick
The Church’s moral witness is muted because of the failure of bishops to clean house
By John M. Grondelski | June 21st 2023 1:58 PMFive years have passed since The New York Times broke the story that former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick had been found credibly guilty of sexual assault on a teenage altar boy in the sacristy of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, in connection with Christmas Midnight Mass. Read that sentence again. …
READ FULL BLOG POSTWhere Are the June Weddings?
Church teaching on marriage is attractive, but it requires talking about it. We're not
By John M. Grondelski | June 7th 2023 11:58 AMOnce upon a time, not too long ago, June used to be associated with marriage. People spoke of “June weddings.” But while Stevie Wonder might have just been calling to say “I love you,” there was something prescient in his lyric about “no wedding Saturday within the month of June.”…