The Narthex
Liberalism Run Amok
An incoherent and self-defeating liberalism undermines the democracy it professes
By James Hanink | January 18th 2024 12:40 PM“Thought blockers,” I call them. Right, left, conservative, reactionary, and progressive, they get in the way of the real discussion of real issues. They are elastic terms that could mean just about anything or almost nothing. Still, my caveat is prudential rather than absolute. So, I’m going into the deep…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Crack in the Wall
Philosophy is about much more than critical thinking and landing a job
By James Hanink | November 29th 2023 2:52 PMThe L.A. Times, a newspaper that I love to lambaste, seems to have a crack in its “wokeness wall.” A fresh editorial headline announces that “Students lose when colleges trade humanities for STEM” (Nov. 26). But wait! Science, tech, engineering, and math programs (STEM) now rule the academic roost. Is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Determinist's Dilemmas
Absent free will, one is not free even to evaluate an argument
By James Hanink | October 27th 2023 8:10 PMNeurobiologist Robert Sapolsky recently captured a headline in the Los Angeles Times. “Humans lack free will, says Stanford scientist” (10-22-2023, B1). The subtitle drives home the point: “Decades of study lead to claim that virtually all behavior is beyond our conscious control.” So contends Sapolsky, the winner of a MacArthur…
Simone Weil writes, ‘Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer’
By James Hanink | October 18th 2023 8:02 PMImagine a protest in which activists chant, “What do we want? Free publicity! When do we want it? Now!” Easy enough, right? Isn’t it already the subtext of many demonstrations? Or imagine a political campaign soliciting money chiefly in order to solicit more money. Again, easy enough. Isn’t it the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMacro-Matters & Wonder
Our faith leads us to embrace the universe and hold sacred the person
By James Hanink | September 20th 2023 11:28 AM“Philosophy begins in wonder.” So says Aristotle in his Metaphysics. Reflecting on this text, St. Thomas teaches that a goal of metaphysics is to establish the truth about the first and universal causes of things. If we achieve this goal, he writes, “there should be no wonder because the causes…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #3
Voting with Feet... Pantheism Keeps Marching On... But It Was Foreseen... and more
By John M. Grondelski | July 28th 2023 2:56 PMEyes (and Minds) Voting with Feet Most mornings I have a 20 minute wait at my bus stop. The shelter has one of those electronic ad boards, so I get to see a limited loop of what advertisers want to sell. It’s often a telling commentary on the world today,…
The strongest reasons for God’s existence are acts of loving kindness
By James Hanink | June 28th 2023 2:47 PMRecently Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on the French thinker Blaise Pascal (1623–1662). It comes on the Fourth Centenary of his birth. Francis chose a haunting title: On the Sublimity and Misery of Man (Sublimitas et Miseria Hominis). Most of Francis’s discussion centers on Pascal’s Pensées. Don’t expect to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFidelity and the Person
Social glue is important in three areas: marriage, local community, and national patriotism
By John M. Grondelski | June 5th 2023 8:41 PMPrinceton Professor Robert George has launched a new initiative that declares June “Fidelity Month” [see here]. He started the effort with a June 1 webinar, featuring a religiously diverse panel, discussing the importance of fidelity as social glue in three areas: marriage, local community, and national patriotism. George has…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Science': the Great Idol
Modern man has answered life's big questions with things
By Jason Morgan | June 5th 2023 2:02 PMWe moderns hear a lot about miracles. Modern medicine is a miracle, we’re told. Landing rovers on Mars, or on distant asteroids, requires a miraculous degree of technological sophistication. Marvels—miracles’ kid brothers—are a dime a dozen in 2023. Video phones, space telescopes, ChatGPT. Wow. Aren’t we human beings special. Miraculous,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTProphets of Democracy
A vibrant democracy seeks to integrate prophetic service into the ongoing life of the body politic
By James Hanink | May 18th 2023 4:55 PMDoes democracy need prophets? Yes, especially in a democracy like ours, because ours is in crisis. Distorted by a duopoly lusting for power, our political discourse has become a concatenation of cliches. And most of us seem to sleep through the affairs of state. The prophets we need, to be…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMotherhood and Relationality
Modern reproductive technologies have broken maternity into shards: genetic, gestational, social
By John M. Grondelski | May 16th 2023 11:53 AMWith Mother’s Day in the rear view mirror and fresh events crowding the daily “news” cycle, the controversy some retailers generated this year by offering women an “opt out” of Mother’s Day mailings and specials will likely soon be forgotten -- until it returns next year. I’ve tried to showcase…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Eroding Right to Self-Defense
Subways do not exist to be substitute institutions for those who need institutionalization
By John M. Grondelski | May 8th 2023 2:50 PMAs a moral theologian, I am interested in just war theory. Just war theory, which governs whether a country can go to war (jus ad bellum) and what it can do in war (jus in bello), is essentially a nation’s right to self-defense. That’s why I reject the arguments that…
READ FULL BLOG POSTKnowing the Future
Metaphysics takes us beyond empirical puzzles and bumps up against mystery
By James Hanink | March 6th 2023 9:40 PMLife is a mystery to live, not a problem to solve. And metaphysics is rich in mystery! Here’s a contrast. Science often advances by resolution and replacement. For example, Galileo resolves Ptolemy’s puzzles, and heliocentrism emerges. Einstein resolves Newton’s puzzles, and the theory of relativity replaces classical physics. Closer to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDoubts About Definitions
Do we need to define religion, and can we?
By James Hanink | January 6th 2023 10:15 PMA friend just authored an important paper on why religious freedom is a human right. I agree that it is, and I applaud the range and rigor of his analysis. He’ll catch a lot of flak, though. Not everyone thinks that religion is for the good, much less that it…
It's not easy to say whether numbers were invented, discovered, or generated
By James Hanink | December 30th 2022 1:38 PMFelix, my youngest grandson, has aged out of Sesame Street. Since leaving, though, he calls himself “The Count.” Of late he’s busy counting his Legos. Trump, keen to remain POTUS, wanted more votes to count. No luck. Of late he’s counting the legal actions he faces. For better or worse,…