The Narthex
Decide for Yourself
New report reveals high risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy after use of COVID mRNA vaccine
By Barbara Rose | November 11th 2021 9:31 PMA new article by Aleisha R. Brock and Simon Thornley, published at Science, Public Health Policy, & the Law (at, re-analyzes data used in a CDC report and finds a high risk of miscarriage (also called spontaneous abortion) in early pregnancy after use of a COVID mRNA vaccine. A…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTheory vs. Practice
A chasm exists between the ideas behind COVID protocols and their actual practice
By David Daintree | October 29th 2021 1:52 PMI recently returned from a visit to Perth. Western Australia and Tasmania are COVID-free “bubbles” and one is able to travel fairly freely between them (freely, that is to say, if you except the necessity of obtaining what amounts to a visa to pass from one state of the Commonwealth…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCommunism as Religion
Mao made a pseudo-religion of the Party and aimed for conversion of all nations
By Richard DellOrfano | October 22nd 2021 3:53 PMOn Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's Life is Worth Living show of February 2, 1953 -- the episode entitled "The Death of Stalin" -- Sheen enacted Mark Antony’s eulogy for Julius Caesar, substituting Malenkov and Stalin as the two characters. “And now Malenkov speaks: ‘Friends, Soviets, countrymen, lend me your ears;…
What if the Pope spoke to Pelosi the words about abortion that he often uses?
By James Hanink | October 14th 2021 2:28 PMPope Francis meets and greets Nancy Pelosi. So it went last week. Then followed a practiced exchange of smiles. Since the devil is no respecter of persons, he was doubtless there as well. But our angels love us far more than the devil hates us, so we can hope that…
A photojournalist shines a light on the people ignored by globalist technocrats
By Barbara Rose | October 12th 2021 7:27 PMChris Arnade is a photographer and writer whose bestseller Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America (2019) shone a light on the people left behind by globalist technocrats, on the people "who lack the credentials and advantages of the so-called meritocratic upper class." Back Row Americans…
We cannot take our liberties for granted; they can be snatched away if we drop our guard
By David Daintree | October 7th 2021 2:10 PMTo my mind the greatest challenge of human education is the building and maintaining of historical awareness. How can we have even an inkling of where we stand and where we’re heading if our grasp of the past is feeble or non-existent? Human memory is so short, and deliberate bias…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAn American One-Child Policy?
A recent Senate confirmation hearing tested tolerance for hardline population control
By Jason Morgan | October 5th 2021 1:40 PMOn September 30, 2021, the United States Senate confirmed Tracy Stone-Manning as the new director of the Bureau of Land Management (, Sept. 30). Choosing someone to fill the Bureau of Land Management director position is not normally cause for a national furor, but this time was different. In a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTInfantilizing the People
Sweden has achieved good results with a policy of voluntary, not enforced, isolation
By David Daintree | September 22nd 2021 2:13 PMI have now had both vaccine doses; I’m neither an “anti-vaxxer” nor a conspiracy theorist. But I have good, intelligent, well-informed, and rational friends who strongly oppose the vaccine, and I do not like to see them punished by the infliction of civil disabilities or verbal abuse. Some Christians and…
Trust is the crucial factor in the vaccination decision, but we have lost trust
By Richard DellOrfano | September 17th 2021 2:18 PMIn our everyday decisions we use hearsay reputations to decide, say, for or against a dentist or doctor. Reliable references from former patients are helpful, and as social animals we are inclined to run with the herd to survive. Hearsay statements are used to prove truth or falsehood but are…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWar's Accomplices
By and large, American news media have become handmaidens of war
By Barbara Rose | September 14th 2021 2:35 PMHave you noticed how the liberal mainstream media has become awfully pro-war? This is a change from a generation ago. The Quincy Institute's Responsible Statecraft website now features "Day of reckoning for the media handmaidens of war" by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos. In it she recaps the change in the American…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMending the World
Ordinary men and women often have a very good sense of how to solve our problems
By David Daintree | September 8th 2021 2:23 PMFew today may remember the American actor and comedian George Burns. He died in 1996, at the age of exactly 100, a venerable doyen of the Vaudeville era. Never on stage without his signature cigar, he delighted generations with his arched eyebrow, gravelly voice, and pessimistic Jewish humor. My favorite…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFree Stuff: Is There Any?
It's smart for taxpayers to cover certain costs
By James Hanink | September 1st 2021 9:43 PMI’ve often heard it said that “Life isn’t just.” Well, maybe. And maybe that’s why so many of us are keen on “free stuff.” But is there any? A Libertarian with whom I debate thinks that there’s lots of it. For a start, paying taxes should be optional. And if…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCivil Disobedience
Recent lockdown protests in Sydney reveal a troubling division in society
By David Daintree | August 30th 2021 2:21 PMThe phrase civil disobedience stirs up a whole range of reactions. We might think of Gandhi’s brave followers beaten to the ground in their serried ranks as they tried to break the salt monopoly, or Martin Luther King’s peace marchers, or of WWII resistance fighters in Greece, France, and Italy,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBlood and Treasure
Twenty years of war in Afghanistan cost over 241,000 lives and $2.26 trillion
By Barbara Rose | August 24th 2021 5:40 PMThe Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, at Brown University, has a "Costs of War" website which presents "U.S. Costs to Date for the War in Afghanistan, in $ Billions, 2001-2021" (published in April 2021). The cost in blood and treasure is immense. A link to the web page…
John Paul II & John XXIII offer models of how to evangelize in a context of political upheaval
By James Hanink | August 19th 2021 2:17 PMIn the last week or so I’ve had two friends ask me the same hard question about evangelizing, though in different ways. What follows is how I answered them. If nothing else, I got some practice in answering questions that Catholics, as strangers in a strange land, need to address.…