The Narthex
Laudate Deum: a Flawed Addendum
It fails to build on the solid teaching in Laudato Si’ -- and worse
By Barbara Rose | October 10th 2023 3:42 PMThe new Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum is a follow-up document to Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si’. Michael Dominic Taylor, in "Consider the lilies and CO2" (at Catholic World Report, Oct. 8), explains how Laudate Deum fails to build on the solid teaching in Laudato Si’ and instead runs in a mistaken…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNanny-State Protection
The left has never really trusted the people even to think for themselves
By David Daintree | October 2nd 2023 12:13 PMThe words disinformation and misinformation have been around for many years but have recently risen to prominence as the Australian parliament debates a bill which would ban false or misleading information in the media. The two terms are not interchangeable. The proposed law defines misinformation as “online content that is…
The Biden administration inches the U.S. down 'the road towards a third world war'
By Barbara Rose | September 26th 2023 2:49 PMLast week Ukrainian President Zelensky visited the U.S. and Canada seeking more money and weapons. As reported by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos at Responsible Statecraft (Sept. 22), the Biden administration agreed to give Ukraine long-range missiles in the “upcoming weeks.” The warheads in question, called ATACMs, were previously considered to be…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNewsom's Political Dissimulation
The California governor knows what sells in San Francisco won’t sell in St. Louis
By John M. Grondelski | September 25th 2023 1:55 PMIn a surprise development, nominal Catholic California Governor Gavin Newsom recently vetoed legislation that instructed California courts to take a parent’s “gender affirming” views into account when making custody or visitation decisions. No one should think, however, that the Governor has concluded that the chemical castration and/or physical genital mutilation…
Many claim to believe in it, but few understand or tolerate it in practice
By David Daintree | August 31st 2023 12:26 PMThe Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies is tasked with “advancing the good name of the Catholic intellectual tradition.” At the outset it was made clear that it was to operate at arm's length from the Church and enjoy a high degree of independence, for its brief was not so…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #7
This Is a 'Sense of Sin?'... But Real Evil? Of That, Neither See Nor Speak
By John M. Grondelski | August 28th 2023 3:11 PM“Sex Work,” Trafficking, and Trucks Pamela Paul reports in the New York Times (Aug. 17) that some New York feminists are fighting to get editors to drop the euphemism “sex worker” from their style books. She explains that many have adopted this linguistic stand-in because they don’t want to appear…
We cannot realize our personal goods apart from the common good
By James Hanink | August 23rd 2023 11:55 AMThere’s no vacation -- etymologically, “empty time” -- in politics. Nor even “holidays,” though our holidays are far removed from true holydays. So, yes, I’m on the campaign trail again. Dianne Feinstein, California’s very senior senator, has reached the tender age of 90 and won’t be running again. Why not,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMarxism, Alive and Well
Communism's anthropology, as described by Engels, currently threatens traditional values
By David Daintree | August 15th 2023 11:18 AMConservative defenders of traditional Christian values often claim that many of the things they perceive as current threats to society -- radical sex education in primary schools, for example, or the notion of gender fluidity -- share a common origin. That they are in fact inspired by Marxism, which is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #5
"Listen to Him"... To Listen, You Can't Be Asleep... The Pope's Latest Letter
By John M. Grondelski | August 11th 2023 11:17 AM"Listen to Him" In both last Sunday's Second Reading (from II Peter) and Gospel, we are exhorted (in the Gospel by no less than God the Father) to "listen to" Jesus. Peter, James, and John "listen" to that message from the bright cloud that overshines Mount Tabor; it would be…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWork, Good Work, and Counterfeits
Sometimes what gets called 'work' does not promote human flourishing
By James Hanink | August 9th 2023 11:32 AMCalifornia is a mixed bag, and here’s an example of just how mixed. We have a new Employee Ownership office, a government hub to help companies explore worker-owned models. The American Solidarity Party would applaud this effort. Indeed, its new party platform says: “We support regulatory and tax support to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSexual Extremes in Ohio
Hedonism and a kind of Puritanism battle life-giving love
By John M. Grondelski | August 7th 2023 2:47 PM"Les extremes se touchent" means the extremes touch each other, they overlap. People say the Church’s teachings about sex and life are extreme, but the truly extreme, truly contradictory response comes from its opponents. That sex can give life and foster a unique spousal relationship is not some esoteric Catholic…
Illuminating crises is what Catholic intellectuals ought to be doing
By John M. Grondelski | July 18th 2023 12:56 AMThere's a trope out there that orthodox Catholics write out of anger. That's unfair. I offer a short apologia for what usually motivates me to write. Take a piece I just published, on the murder of a 20-something Kentucky school teacher in Washington. The killing took place in broad daylight…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations
On double standards, denial, mores & mercy
By John M. Grondelski | July 14th 2023 2:07 PMArizona Governor Undermines Law Enforcement The New York Times reports that Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs apparently doesn’t feel any obligation to abide by her constitutional oath faithfully to execute Arizona’s laws. In the wake of Dobbs, Arizona’s legislature enacted protective pro-life legislation that mirrors the Mississippi law upheld in…
Ordinary people were no longer to be trusted to manage their own lives
By David Daintree | June 26th 2023 12:35 PMEvery nation cherishes an image of itself. We are often told that Australia’s was formed on the beaches of Gallipoli, but it’s older and more complex than that. Long before the Australian union, the people of the Australian colonies developed self-images of their own, in great variety. Few directly referred…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIs There a Moral Limit to Taxes?
While the state has a claim to taxes, that claim is not unlimited
By John M. Grondelski | May 30th 2023 2:56 PMOn Thursday, May 25, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down an important decision in the case of Tyler v. Hennepin County, Minnesota et al. Bottom line up front: a unanimous Supreme Court swatted down Hennepin County’s property tax collecting policy. I’m commenting on it because there are aspects of the…