The Narthex
Random Ruminations #21
Let’s Get the Calendar... Unaccompanied Minors... Heaping Helping of Synodality... and more
By John M. Grondelski | March 20th 2025 11:33 AMLet’s Get the Calendar Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar was on social media March 19, proclaiming it as “Medicaid Day of Action.” I expected that shortly thereafter, 46 other blue Senators would repeat the same talking points. Can I ask some mole to please get us the calendar of Democratic…
Film, Faith, and Morals Series -- No. 2
By John M. Grondelski | February 14th 2025 12:31 PMMarty is a great film, both for National Marriage Week (February 7-14) and for Valentine’s Day weekend. Even though it is 71 years old, it’s telling to see what’s changed -- and what hasn’t -- since 1954. (And, I'll admit, there's something about black-and-white films.) Marty (played by Ernest Borgnine) is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBehavior at Funerals
At Jimmy Carter's state funeral, much attention was focused on the living presidents
By John M. Grondelski | January 15th 2025 12:00 PMWatching the Carter state funeral at National Cathedral, I couldn’t help but notice how much attention was focused on the five Presidents. One of the few times Americans see all their living former, current, and -- at Carter’s funeral -- future presidents in one place is when one of them…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDo You Have a Right to Pray for Another?
Some imagine they have a right to demand others not pray for them
By John M. Grondelski | December 23rd 2024 12:51 PM“The Ethicist” is one of my favorite New York Times columns because it is insight into the “mind” of the woke. It is also the product of an “ethics” that is essentially relativistic at heart, save for occasional feints towards “consent” and “tolerance” (whatever that means). I know that, in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTYesterday's Catholic 'Queen of the Saddle'
Lucille Mulhall competed against boys and men, and beat them
By James Thunder | December 13th 2024 9:29 PMMy recent attendance at a rodeo led me to consider the rodeo experience of a relative who was called “America’s Greatest Horsewoman.” For four days in November, the 14th through the 17th, the sold-out, 4,800-seat Amarillo (Texas) Civic Center hosted the 29th annual World Championship Ranch Rodeo of the Working…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #15
Many Faces of Scrooge... Why Do People Copy the Gothic?... Seventh Century Colonialism... and more
By John M. Grondelski | November 22nd 2024 12:41 PMWorld Vasectomy Day Nov 21-22 is the 12th Annual "World Vasectomy Day," an annual "celebration" during which vans prowl some neighborhoods offering male sterilization. Since 2022 the act has been designated a sign of male "ally-ship" with post-Dobbs women by "taking responsibility" for fertility. Such euphemistic claptrap has become so normalized…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #14
The Bald and the Unbeautiful... Seasonal Help... Where's the Imam?... A Swan... and more
By John M. Grondelski | November 14th 2024 1:09 PMThe Bald and the Unbeautiful Head shaving has been among the jejune reactions of some frenzied women to Kamala Harris’s implosion. Social media is full of these virtue signalers demonstrating why haircuts should only be done by trained professionals. I’m surprised Biden’s FDA has not demanded warning disclaimers on these…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPost-Election Meltdowns
A warning to Leftists: you have chosen to worship strange gods
By John M. Grondelski | November 8th 2024 7:04 PMSocial media is beset by hysterical women and soy boys having collective hissy-fits and meltdowns that their country has “betrayed” them by electing Donald Trump. A certain Schadenfreude has led to re-postings of breakdowns, and to normal people asking whether they're real. Alas, they are real. They're real and they…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTattoos: A Modest Defense
Some truly honor the beloved or affirm a heartfelt belief
By James Hanink | September 23rd 2024 12:04 PMThough I’d seen billboards for tattoo conventions, I’d never been to one. Then, of a sudden, I was in the middle of one. There it was, in the lobby of the hotel where the American Maritain Association was holding its annual conference. Every day we’re all seeing more tattoos. Pew…
READ FULL BLOG POSTUnmeltable Ethnicity
Stereotypical 'Americanism' distorts the U.S. Church & the two big political parties
By John M. Grondelski | July 22nd 2024 11:34 AMMichael Novak’s The Rise of the Unmeltable Ethnics (1972) generated an ethnic pride movement in the 1970s. Americans of Eastern and Southern European ancestry, Latinos, and others came out of the WASP shadows to acknowledge that their heritage remained -- and legitimately remained -- part of their American identity. I…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #11
Stress... And the Therapeutic Voice... Punish Them Tourists!
By John M. Grondelski | July 17th 2024 1:08 PMStress The New York Times recently reported (July 10) about workplace “stress” and the emergence of a new job: “burnout coach.” Apparently, so many employed people are so stressed and burned out in their jobs that they need the therapeutic voice of a “burnout coach” to help them cope. The…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #10
Downers... Not His Daddy's Boy... An Economy that Serves... and more
By John M. Grondelski | July 3rd 2024 2:11 PMGood Question Bumper stickers are often great statements of truth, largely because they have to be short and pithy. A message to Catholic tailgaters seen on the rear of a car parked outside St. James in Falls Church, Virginia: “Do you follow Christ as closely as you do me?” …
READ FULL BLOG POSTThou Shalt Post the Ten Commandments
Louisiana is right in privileging the laws inscribed by the Creator in every human heart
By John M. Grondelski | June 21st 2024 12:13 PMDavid French is one of a particular species of pundit, one who likes to trade on the gases of his erstwhile conservative credentials while reliably ending up where good liberals are expected to be. It was that imitation of the Colossus of Rhodes’ straddle that initially led to his famous…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNo Motherhood without the 'Matria Potestas'
Many young women insist on having the power of life or death over their offspring
By John M. Grondelski | June 18th 2024 2:07 PMThe patria potestas was a legal power held by fathers in the Roman Empire. If you think that Tiberius was just dad in a toga, think again. In Roman law, a father had rights over his family, including the right of who could bear his name. If, therefore, a child…
Why do we no longer use the word 'murder'?
By John M. Grondelski | May 29th 2024 8:32 PMIn the old Catholic catechism, four sins were identified as “crying to heaven for vengeance” – murder, sodomy, defrauding workers of their wages, and oppression of the widow and orphan. Outrage, rightly understood, is a moral thing. To be outraged at injustice, especially when it is tolerated or even pronounced…