The Narthex
Capstone Marriage, Capstone Parenthood
We might fix a lot of our problems by listening to "doin' what comes naturally"
By John M. Grondelski | May 13th 2024 2:02 PMHas our modern world made things that, for earlier generations came naturally, harder? And, in fact, do those things have to be harder? Tim Carney, author of Family Unfriendly, says there are contemporary changes in society that do make being a parent harder, both objectively (if kids don’t have sidewalks,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTArs Loquitur, Ars Ambulandi
There's an art to walking and to talking; both are compromised by iPhones
By John M. Grondelski | April 18th 2024 2:48 PMEtiquette as an expectation and as part of upbringing was once taken for granted. For a German, to say somebody lacks Kinderstube is an insult: it means that person is wanting in upbringing. He is boorish. Kinderstube was taken for granted because people rightly assumed that living with others in society is…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDivorce, from the Eyes of Children
On a film in which the children do not 'accompany' their wayward parents
By John M. Grondelski | February 23rd 2024 1:06 PMEx ore infantium comes from Psalm 8:3, “from the mouths of babes and infants.” I was reminded of that phrase recently while watching a perhaps unfairly neglected movie from 1965, “The Battle of the Villa Fiorita.” The film, starring Maureen O’Hara and Rossano Brazzi, is based on a book by…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCrowds 'Love' Trump
People chanted 'we love you' for JPII and Princess Di, likewise with Donald Trump. Why?
By James Thunder | January 25th 2024 1:27 PMI was amazed the first time I heard it. President Trump apparently was too. People started chanting “We love you!” at his 2020 rallies, and this has continued into the current election cycle. Perhaps you haven’t known about this. For your sake, then, I found a few instances online: Nov.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #9
Broken Laws... Keeping Crosses... Ivy League Drama... Venus and Mars... and more
By John M. Grondelski | January 9th 2024 1:24 PMCalendar Conundrums Has it ever troubled our liturgically befuddled bishops, who have made a goulash of six holydays of obligation (transferring some while making others obligatory depending on their day in the week) that, in our modern world, if you say “January 6,” more people think of “insurrection” than “Epiphany?”…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTime to Demand Public Safety
Each of us, including Christians, has a right to be free from bodily harm
By John M. Grondelski | November 30th 2023 3:09 PMI grasped my keys in my coat pocket. Good thing I bought a Honda: their ignition key is nice and long. Among moves that I learned in self-defense was that keys held between one’s index and middle finger can be effectively jabbed into somebody’s eyes, usually long enough to stop…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDon't Get Your Christmas Tree This Weekend!
Why would you put up a Christmas tree in Ordinary Time?
By John M. Grondelski | November 21st 2023 12:09 PMThanksgiving is, for most Americans, a long weekend. Almost all children get out of school on Wednesday and don't return until Monday. Most institutions other than stores and commercial enterprises all take the long weekend. At some point Thanksgiving became something of a segue into the "Christmas season" and --…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Three Stages of Thanksgiving
Giving thanks to God for all His blessings was the holiday's origin
By John M. Grondelski | November 20th 2023 3:23 PMStage One: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in Plymouth Colony in 1621. The Pilgrims set out for North America in September 1620. Storms put them off-course during their Atlantic crossing, to land farther north -- off present-day Massachusetts -- than they planned. Finding themselves in a wilderness at the start…
Which is more valuable: the soil that became man or the soil into which he is blended?
By John M. Grondelski | November 1st 2023 1:09 PMThen the LORD God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being (Genesis 2:7). One hundred and sixty years ago this November 19, Abraham Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg about hallowed ground.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTStamps and Civics
Once upon a time, stamps were miniature civics lessons, especially for collectors
By John M. Grondelski | October 25th 2023 3:00 PMLots of people bemoan the demise of civics. They argue that recovering civics might be a first step in recovering civility, a friendlier if not shared political discourse versus our contemporary polarization. There have even been government efforts -- state and federal -- to introduce mandatory civics education. Some critics…
READ FULL BLOG POSTA Movie Ruined by Shallowness & Fake 'Diversity'
Thoughts on the third installment of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'
By John M. Grondelski | October 17th 2023 8:58 PMMy Big Fat Greek Wedding was a 2002 movie about a Greek-American woman navigating life in America between the expectations of her immigrant family and assimilationist impulses in the United States. Rife with stereotypes, it traces Toula Portokalos’s life as a kid growing up with parents that run a diner,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPerennial Politicians & the Temptation of Power
One's failure to recognize he is not a demigod makes him blind to wisdom
By John M. Grondelski | October 13th 2023 12:03 PMIn the wake of California Senator Dianne Feinstein's burial, op-ed writers have been scribbling away on why America’s leadership class is so dominated by octogenarians (with a few septuagenarians as junior officers). Writing in The New York Times (Oct. 8), David French picked up Ross Douthat’s most recent hobby horse:…
READ FULL BLOG POSTColumbus, Christianity, and Culture
On the current effort to de-Christianize and secularize American history
By John M. Grondelski | October 9th 2023 11:41 AMColumbus Day is one of the next focal points in the revisionist effort to rewrite American history to highlight what "woke" activists consider its irredeemably evil roots. Far from “discovering” America, they'll say, Christopher Columbus was a “conqueror” who brought colonization, exploitation, disease, death, and a trail of tears to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTColleges and AI Writing
If a student can’t write his admissions essay, how much of his college work will be machine-made?
By John M. Grondelski | September 5th 2023 2:06 PMIt’s the beginning of September, which means schools have either already started or will soon start new academic years. Most colleges and universities are back in session. So, like most Labor Day weekends with absolutely no immediately biting crises on the news cycle, editors filled space with “school stories.” The…
Ideologues call living in accord with Catholic teaching 'dysfunctional'
By John M. Grondelski | August 23rd 2023 7:20 PMI recently applauded Worcester Bishop Robert McManus’s newly promulgated policy requiring Catholic schools in the diocese to use a child’s legal name, not a gender-ideology driven substitute, when addressing a child (and not just in official documents). The policy even goes further in establishing one’s given name identity: if, after…