The Narthex
Financial Accountability for the U.S. Church?
Thoughts on the idea of a 'Dallas Charter' for ecclesiastical finances
By John M. Grondelski | March 17th 2025 8:12 PMThe Pillar ran a piece March 14 asking, “Does the Church Need a ‘Dallas Charter’ on Money?” (linked below). The gist of the piece was that, as the original Dallas Charter of December 2002 was supposed to protect against clerical sexual abuse, so today a similar document may be needed to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPost-Communion Thanksgiving
After his work at the altar, the priest should sit and allow a period for silent thanksgiving
By John M. Grondelski | August 9th 2024 2:01 PMTomorrow is the Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr. St. Lawrence is probably best known popularly for being martyred alive on a gridiron and for his remark about being “well-done on this side, turn me over!” The jocularity tends to obscure just how barbaric a death Lawrence died during…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRev. Jerome R. Daly, R.I.P.
On the most decorated helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War
By James Thunder | May 22nd 2024 12:03 PMJerome R. Daly was the most decorated helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. After retiring from the Army in 1982, he became a Catholic priest. Vietnam was a war in which combat helicopters played a pre-eminent role. According to a 2018 report by Gary Roush of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWe Need a Modern Cleansing of the Temple
The conclave of 2013 expected a pontiff who would clean up the Church
By John M. Grondelski | March 1st 2024 1:27 PMMost Sundays, the Church prescribes one Gospel to be read. This Sunday, the priest has a choice of two. That’s because, while the Sunday Gospels normally rotate over three years, there is an exception on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent. Lent is the season during which catechumens…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Committee of 434
U.S. bishops say life is their "pre-eminent issue." How about a little action?
By John M. Grondelski | December 5th 2023 12:56 PMIn a recent post here, I reminisced about the “Committee of Ten Million,” Gil Durand’s 1973 lay initiative to amass ten million petition signatures to be delivered publicly to Congress demanding a Human Life Amendment. Ten million signatures in 1973 would have been about five percent of the U.S. population,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTMemory of a Thanksgiving Past
A tribute to an early and ambitious pro-life Catholic, Mr. Gil Durand
By John M. Grondelski | November 28th 2023 12:33 PMAs we marked Thanksgiving last week, my memories reached back 50 years to Thanksgiving 1973. I remember the day well: sunny but chilly. The memory is an opportunity for me to salute a man I never met, Gil Durand. (I think it’s Durand. It might be Durant. He doesn’t come…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAn American (Priest) in Togo
The Church brings men and women holiness and addresses their basic needs
By John M. Grondelski | October 20th 2023 12:57 PMFr. William Ryan is a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington who, since 2006, has served as a missionary in Togo, a country the size of Maryland, in western Africa. Ryan’s love affair with Togo dates back to the early 1970s when, before he studied for the priesthood, he joined…