The Narthex
Financial Accountability for the U.S. Church?
Thoughts on the idea of a 'Dallas Charter' for ecclesiastical finances
By John M. Grondelski | March 17th 2025 8:12 PMThe Pillar ran a piece March 14 asking, “Does the Church Need a ‘Dallas Charter’ on Money?” (linked below). The gist of the piece was that, as the original Dallas Charter of December 2002 was supposed to protect against clerical sexual abuse, so today a similar document may be needed to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTNothing New under the Roman Sun
The latest twists and turns in the sordid Marko Rupnik affair
By John M. Grondelski | March 10th 2025 11:36 AMThe Italian website La Bussola Nuova Quotidiana continues to pose uncomfortable questions about ex-Jesuit Marko Rupnik, accused of sexual abuse; his seeming Cardinal Protector, Angelo De Donatis, former Vicar General (the Pope’s Administrator) of the Archdiocese of Rome and now the Church’s Major Penitentiary; and a convent in Montefiola, northeast…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRupnik, Reality, & the Right to a 'Good Name'
A Vatican dicastery’s letter seems to come from a make-believe world
By John M. Grondelski | March 4th 2025 12:48 PMThe Italian website La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana broke a story March 3 (linked below) claiming that Marko Rupnik and his Centro Aletti confreres are moving into a convent in Montefiola, northeast of Rome. According to the report, the nuns currently there are being evicted. The website claims the whole process…
READ FULL BLOG POSTEzekiel & the Ecclesia
Are we serious about the cleansing of the temple?
By John M. Grondelski | August 22nd 2024 12:09 PMIn the middle of summer in Year II of the weekday lectionary, the Church’s First Reading includes excerpts from the major prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel wrote during and after the Exile. To situate the story: For those who remember their grade school world history, Israel was at the western end of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRuffini, Rupnik, & the 'Right to a Good Name'
If you put yourself in the public spotlight, your official actions are subject to public scrutiny
By John M. Grondelski | June 27th 2024 6:55 PMLast Friday’s tone-deaf remarks by Vatican Communications Dicastery Prefect Paolo Ruffini saying he saw no reason not to continue using the art of ex-Jesuit sex abuser Marko Rupnik on Vatican products has drawn two distinct responses. Most of the Catholic press has ignored the story -- not only nothing to…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRupnik's Art: A Response to Ruffini
Rome’s reputation is more important than promoting the works of a questionable artist
By John M. Grondelski | June 24th 2024 2:40 PMCatholic World Report carries an article about Paolo Ruffini, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Communications, who recently made a spirited defense of the Vatican’s ongoing use of Marko Rupnik’s art. His apologia came in remarks to press at the Catholic Media Conference in Atlanta June 21. According to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWe Need a Modern Cleansing of the Temple
The conclave of 2013 expected a pontiff who would clean up the Church
By John M. Grondelski | March 1st 2024 1:27 PMMost Sundays, the Church prescribes one Gospel to be read. This Sunday, the priest has a choice of two. That’s because, while the Sunday Gospels normally rotate over three years, there is an exception on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent. Lent is the season during which catechumens…
READ FULL BLOG POSTFive Years after McCarrick
The Church’s moral witness is muted because of the failure of bishops to clean house
By John M. Grondelski | June 21st 2023 1:58 PMFive years have passed since The New York Times broke the story that former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick had been found credibly guilty of sexual assault on a teenage altar boy in the sacristy of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, in connection with Christmas Midnight Mass. Read that sentence again. …
READ FULL BLOG POST‘Murder of the Soul’
A man can hang himself with his own words
By Barbara Rose | September 11th 2019 5:33 PMVos estis lux mundi (or Vos estis for short) is Pope Francis’s recent motu proprio establishing bishop accountability. Two U.S. bishops are feeling the heat of Vos estis. One is Bishop Michael Hoeppner of Crookston, Minnesota, who will be investigated by Minneapolis archbishop Bernard Hebda, on charges of abuse cover-up.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTReligious Masquerade
McCarrick, among others, wore the persona of charismatic spiritual father
By Richard DellOrfano | August 9th 2019 4:10 PM“During a carnival, men put masks over their masks.” -- Xavier Forneret Masks have been in use all over the world since before recorded history. In Central Africa, masks developed with a wide diversity and conveyed spiritual and religious meaning to ritual dances and ceremonies. In ancient Egypt, they…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Devils of Loudun
Displaying the virtue of chastity contra vice
By Richard DellOrfano | May 23rd 2019 3:12 PMHenry was in his glory when surrounded by us in soiree discussions. About a dozen of his fans would meet every Tuesday at his theater where we’d discuss religion and politics. His brilliant mind gave us the opportunity to ricochet ideas around, as in a game of racket ball. He…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Inconsequential'
An Australian priest presents his merely transactional view of sex
By Barbara Rose | March 7th 2019 6:24 PMIn the March 1 installment of our “Daily News” feed, we linked to an article on the website of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (which is Australia's state-owned and funded national public radio and TV-broadcaster) by Fr. James Alison called “Welcome to my world: Notes on the reception of Frédéric Martel's…
READ FULL BLOG POST'Catholics Have Lost Patience'
Ponder the optics of expedited retirements for compromised bishops
By Barbara Rose | February 14th 2019 6:37 PMNOR readers who follow our daily news links are no doubt up-to-the-minute on the clerical sex abuse crisis. But for anyone who needs a one-article summary of said crisis, I recommend Emma Green’s “Why Does the Catholic Church Keep Failing on Sexual Abuse?” in The Atlantic (Feb. 14). Besides a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTListen to the Woman
Marie Collins provides a concrete agenda for the upcoming abuse summit
By Barbara Rose | February 1st 2019 7:24 PMPope Francis has repeatedly voiced support for hearing more from women in the Church. According to Crux (Jan. 31) this week he and the Vatican were offered advice from prominent survivor of clerical sexual abuse Marie Collins. In fact the sturdy Irishwoman, who was appointed by Pope Francis to the…
The Pope has power over only one global problem
By Richard DellOrfano | November 12th 2018 3:51 PMPope Francis is humanely concerned with over a dozen man-made problems that even school kids would wonder why the world doesn’t do something about: plastics littering the oceans, deadly drug gangs in Mexico, insane wars sparked by the pride of men, murderous Christian persecutions in Muslim nations, materialistic culture and…