The Narthex
‘Hate Speech’ at Another Catholic College
Will this Jesuit college alter its actions and its character?
By Barbara Rose | November 7th 2018 7:23 PMYou may recall New Oxford Review’s story of a Providence College student named Michael Smalanskas, who bravely confronted politically-correct college administrators over his display about traditional Church teaching on marriage (see “The New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College,” May 2018; link here: Now it’s another…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Next Reformation?
Healthy clericalism recognizes the dignity of the sacerdotal office
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | October 12th 2018 6:39 PMHistorical caricatures to the contrary, Martin Luther did not, at least initially, intend for the Protestant Revolution to happen. Even a cursory glance at his 95 Theses shows them to be far from revolutionary (assuming papal authority, validity of indulgences, etc.) and more like propositions for debate. The debate however…
A Chicago priest must hide from Cardinal Cupich?
By Richard DellOrfano | October 10th 2018 9:07 PMDuring the persecution of Catholics in Elizabethan England, Jesuit priests pretending to be family relatives or tutors hid in specially constructed ‘priest holes’ to avoid royal prosecutors. Surprise inspections and raids of family homes were not uncommon and if a priest was found, he would face torture and execution. Today,…
Group will help cardinals learn transparency
By Barbara Rose | October 4th 2018 5:55 PMMany a cardinal and bishop has praised lay involvement in the Church. One wonders if involvement by ex-FBI agents is what some didn't have in mind? A group of American laymen called Better Church Governance (BCG) is launching a new initiative to assess cardinals’ records on combatting abuse and corruption,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBishops, Done at Age 75
Adjusting to a decadent milieu
By Barbara Rose | September 28th 2018 3:52 PMThe de facto split in the Church's hierarchy -- between orthodox and heterodox bishops, or traditional and liberal bishops -- manifests itself even in administrative details such as the bishops' retirement. The current Church-wide system of bishops automatically tendering their resignations at age 75 but not actually retiring until the…