The Narthex
Grief Will Become Joy
Crying after death, and the balm given to us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 6
By James Thunder | March 17th 2025 12:26 PMThe Holy Spirit will be our Comforter, our Healer, hovering over a cauldron of people in purgatory who are seething with anger, bubbling with resentment. In their heart of hearts, they love God, but they can’t help their feelings. Their anger and their love rise and fall like a heart’s…
READ FULL BLOG POSTHealing in Purgatory
Crying after death, and the balm given us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 5
By James Thunder | March 12th 2025 11:45 AMAs observed at the beginning of this essay, the “after” picture vis-à-vis purgatory is that there are no more tears. Consider the soothing words of Eucharistic Prayer No. 3: “There [in Your kingdom] we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of Your glory, when You will wipe away every tear…
READ FULL BLOG POSTAnguish in Purgatory
Crying after death, and the balm given us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 4
By James Thunder | March 11th 2025 11:06 AMLet us continue our query of what causes anguish for those in purgatory, starting with losses or lost opportunities and then the wounds inflicted by others. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.”[1] In this…
READ FULL BLOG POSTTears over Our Sins & Death
Crying after death, and the balm given us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 3
By James Thunder | March 6th 2025 12:33 PMWe continue our query of what happens in purgatory and what causes anguish for those in purgatory. Tears Over Our Sins While in purgatory, what will we remember exactly? Will we be given the ability to remember everything, both good and bad?[1] St. Augustine thought so. We may…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPurgatory: Memory & Tears
Crying after death, and the balm given us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 2
By James Thunder | February 28th 2025 1:02 PMI suggest we know something of purgatory because we experience purgatory beginning in this life. Father Paul O’Callaghan, a theology professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, has said that “the purifying process, which will take place in a definitive way after death, is already taking…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPurgatory: Purification by Fire?
Crying after death, and the balm given us by our love, the Holy Spirit -- Part 1
By James Thunder | February 25th 2025 12:40 PMSome of what I write in this series is the hardest I have ever written. It evokes deep emotion in me and I assume it will in you. But that will come later. I begin with this: What happens in purgatory? How does God help people change in purgatory? As…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPrivileged Lectors
Contra their self-satisfied delusions, leftist religious activists don't 'speak truth to power'
By John M. Grondelski | January 22nd 2025 1:45 PMYesterday Washington Episcopal “Bishop” Mariann Edgar Budde’s "lectored" a captive Donald Trump and J.D. Vance during her National Cathedral sermon ("lectored" is my neologism: "lecture" plus "hector"). Budde pressed the President and Vice President to show “mercy” to “LGBT” children and immigrants who “pick our crops and clean our buildings.”…
READ FULL BLOG POSTGaining Wisdom in Advent
Knowing how to live properly means knowing how to live in right relationship with God
By John M. Grondelski | December 10th 2024 12:59 PMLast week, the Opening Prayer for the First Sunday of Advent told us to “run forth to meet Your Christ with righteous deeds!” Our focus should be on running forth "to meet Your Christ” -- not expressing interest, not thinking about it, not even strolling over, but running forth --…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRun Forth to Meet Christ
The Church's prayer invites us to rush forward 'with righteous deeds' to encounter the Lord
By John M. Grondelski | December 3rd 2024 12:01 PMThe Opening Prayer/Collect for Mass on the First Sunday of Advent abounds with powerful words: “resolve,” “run forth,” “righteous,” “worthy.” It reads: “Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming, so that, gathered at his right…
The mystery of sin and redemption defies commodification
By James Hanink | November 12th 2024 10:05 PMRumor has it that the annual Diocesan Priest Retreat features a lottery. The winner, and only the winner, is allowed to discuss his physical maladies. Such a limitation is not the case for late-septuagenarian bloggers. But I’ll not regale you, gentle reader, with physical maladies. Instead, I beg your indulgence…
The rich young man kept his wealth. But what opportunity cost did he pay?
By John M. Grondelski | October 18th 2024 2:18 PM"Opportunity cost” is the term economists use to define the forgone benefit that would have been derived from an option other than the one that was chosen. My choice of X over Y, for example, may be cheaper right now. But over the long run, due to hidden costs, inferior…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Final Quarter (and Not in Football)
Let's ask, with the proverb, whether we’ve grown a year older but none the wiser
By John M. Grondelski | September 30th 2024 9:23 PMOctober 1 marks the start of the fourth and final quarter of 2024. In 90 days, we will be celebrating New Year’s Day and making “resolutions.” It’s your last chance to consider what you did with last year’s resolutions. I’ve tried this year to flag the passage of the quarters…
READ FULL BLOG POSTReceiving a Child & One's Cross
Sacrifice is part of parenthood and marriage because it is part of the human condition
By John M. Grondelski | September 24th 2024 11:24 AMJesus told His disciples that as they “receive” a child, they receive not just Him but He who sent Him. In the past I have written about Jesus’ words in light of Catholic teaching about parenthood and openness to life (article linked below). If we are to recognize children and,…
Nike’s trademark is also good prayer advice
By John M. Grondelski | September 19th 2024 12:13 PMA commonplace excuse for why people do not pray is they “don’t have time.” Taken at face value, some might imagine it plausible but, honestly, probed a little harder, the excuse often collapses for the rationalization it is. September 19 is the anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance at La Salette…
READ FULL BLOG POSTVirginity in the Modern World
Do modern people understand, much less value, virginity?
By John M. Grondelski | August 12th 2024 12:45 PMVatican II talked about the Church in dialogue with the modern world. Some of us have wondered whether that dialogue has been largely one-sided, i.e., modernity talking and the Church listening. One hopes the dialogue also would proceed in the other direction, to a world largely convinced of its rightness…