The Narthex
Humanae Vitae at 55
The anniversary of an important encyclical of the 20th century has gone unnoticed
By John M. Grondelski | July 25th 2023 12:55 PMPope St. Paul VI’s encyclical on human life (not “birth control”), Humanae vitae, marks its 55th anniversary Tuesday, July 25. Yes, you can be pardoned if you -- like most people -- didn’t notice. Arguably one of the most important encyclicals of the 20th century, not just in terms of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTDietary Preferences for World Youth Day
Does the Portugal WYD chief not want to make new Catholics?
By John M. Grondelski | July 12th 2023 3:18 PMJesus once asked His Apostles whether any of them would hand a stone to a child seeking bread (Mt 7:9). I’m worried some of their successors might hand the child neither stone nor bread. In a July 6 interview on Portuguese State Television, cardinal-designate Americo Aguiar, organizer of World Youth…
As Anglicanism fractures, with whom is Rome to conduct dialogue?
By John M. Grondelski | June 15th 2023 12:38 PMThe significance of the outcome of the Fourth Global Anglican Future Convention (GAFCON IV) held last April in Kigali, Rwanda, is coming into ever sharper relief. That an overwhelming portion of Anglicanism, especially in the “Global South,” has been pushed to the point that it no longer recognizes its communion…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRemembering John Paul II on His Birthday
A new generation deserves to know him as a source of profoundly Catholic thought
By John M. Grondelski | May 17th 2023 2:31 PMMay 18 would have been Karol Wojtyła’s 103rd birthday. In the 18 years since his death, a whole generation has grown up not knowing St. John Paul II. It’s not accidental that there’s a new character assassination effort to stain his reputation and minimize his contributions to the Church. Monika…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Church's Sexual Ethics Should Be INTO Diapers
A better expression of Christian sexual ethics starts with teaching them unapologetically
By John M. Grondelski | May 4th 2023 11:37 AMAmong the ambiguities of his Disney appearance, Pope Francis remarked that the Church’s “catechesis on sex is still in diapers.” Various commentators have voiced disappointment or even outrage over that phrase. I take it as a compliment. The Church’s sexual ethics is still in -- more accurately, into -- diapers.…
Manipulating the membership roster sets the agenda and determines the recommendations
By John M. Grondelski | May 2nd 2023 11:58 AMIn announcing that non-bishops would be able to vote in this fall’s Synod on Synodality, Rome tried simultaneously to hype and downplay the news. Channeling its inner Leslie Neilsen, the synodal website blandly headlined the change as “Some News for the October 2023 Assembly.” General Relator Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich gave…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Rome's Push for a 'Common' Date for Easter
Getting the Orthodox to jettison the Julian calendar raises all sorts of problems
By John M. Grondelski | April 24th 2023 12:10 PMPope Francis has on several occasions voiced support for an idea, percolating among the Vatican’s professional ecumenical and liturgical classes, to establish a “common” date for Easter between Catholics and Orthodox. The current driver seems to be wanting to “do something” to mark the 1,700th anniversary of the First Council…
READ FULL BLOG POSTKazakhstan Conference
'Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions' declared the importance of the family
By David Daintree | October 3rd 2022 2:48 PMThe triennial “Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions” was held in the Kazakh capital Astana from September 13-15. Unsurprisingly it attracted little attention from mainstream media. A report on the congress and a summary of the concluding declaration can be found at the Asia Times website (Sept. 26;…
READ FULL BLOG POSTLet’s Invite the Pope
If Francis does not know the full U.S. story on abortion, he should
By James Hanink | November 2nd 2021 12:26 PMWhat’s wrong with the world? Chesterton famously asked this and also confessed that he himself was a major part of the problem. In light of his meeting with President Biden, I ask myself what’s wrong with Pope Francis? I’ve asked that question before with regard to his muddled treatment of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTSpeak up, Francis
Mother Teresa spoke the harsh truth to a U.S. president. Can the Pope do it?
By James Hanink | October 27th 2021 7:26 PMRecently New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan, in discussing the synodal process, spoke of seven “non negotiables.” Jesus, he said, intends each of them. One is that "mercy, love, invitation, humility, joy, selfless generous service, and good example are our only tools, never harshness, condemnation, or pride.” Sadly, we sometimes obscure…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPrayer for the Pope
Francis’s 'Letter' explaining Latin Mass restrictions ends, 'I pray for you. You pray for me.'
By James Hanink | July 26th 2021 2:07 PMDavid, now a seminary professor and the father of a large family, was among the very best of my students. He introduced our family to what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI would later term the Extraordinary Rite. My wife and I were already receptive. We had grown up with the Latin…
A look at beliefs held by Traditional Latin Mass attendees
By Barbara Rose | July 22nd 2021 2:31 PMIn order to appreciate what's at stake in the current Church-wide controversy surrounding restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass (TLM), data on Latin Mass attendees is key. A post at, a blog by Fr. Donald Kloster of Norwalk, Connecticut, shows results of a unique national survey of Latin Mass-goers…
READ FULL BLOG POSTOn Liturgical Change
The Communion fast and the 'smells and bells' of Mass -- Part 7
By James Thunder | June 1st 2021 2:16 PMEveryone -- whether priest, bishop, or layperson -- has ideas on how to change the liturgy. If I had my druthers, I would make the following changes, but these changes are neither mine to make nor a priest's to make: the congregation would kneel for the penitential moments of the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPaul VI's Mass Revisions
A look at liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II - Part 5
By James Thunder | May 24th 2021 1:53 PMThe Novus Ordo brought a number of reforms besides celebrating in the vernacular. In his Apostolic Constitution of 1969, Pope St. Paul VI approvingly referred to Pius XII’s restoration in 1951 and 1955 of the Easter Vigil and the Rite of Holy Week, respectively. He also cited the desire of…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPope and Grand Imam: Time to Meet Again?
God does not will us to affirm a contradiction
By James Hanink | February 18th 2019 6:51 PMGiven the news cycle, the document Human Fraternity—issued by Pope Francis and Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar—has used up its 15 minutes of fame. But let’s ignore that secular cycle. The Grand Imam speaks on behalf of a major Muslim center of learning. Pope Francis needs no introduction.…