The Narthex
The Language of Agreement
Papering over differences serves not unity but confusion
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | February 8th 2019 3:41 PMRecently someone asked me, “what would be the first thing you would do if you were suddenly elected Pope?” Although it was only a thought experiment, coming up with a single, first act was difficult. The weight of spiritually fathering billions of people must be both daunting and crushing. Ultimately…
READ FULL BLOG POSTListen to the Woman
Marie Collins provides a concrete agenda for the upcoming abuse summit
By Barbara Rose | February 1st 2019 7:24 PMPope Francis has repeatedly voiced support for hearing more from women in the Church. According to Crux (Jan. 31) this week he and the Vatican were offered advice from prominent survivor of clerical sexual abuse Marie Collins. In fact the sturdy Irishwoman, who was appointed by Pope Francis to the…
READ FULL BLOG POSTJust Punishment and the Death Penalty
A hermeneutic of continuity or a hermeneutic of rupture
By Rob Agnelli (Archive) | November 15th 2018 6:51 PMIn a 2014 address to representatives of the International Association of Penal Law, Pope Francis announced his crusade for abolishing capital punishment world-wide. His march would continue until August of this year when he ordered a revision to Catechism paragraph 2267 deeming the death penalty “inadmissible.” While a change to…
The Pope has power over only one global problem
By Richard DellOrfano | November 12th 2018 3:51 PMPope Francis is humanely concerned with over a dozen man-made problems that even school kids would wonder why the world doesn’t do something about: plastics littering the oceans, deadly drug gangs in Mexico, insane wars sparked by the pride of men, murderous Christian persecutions in Muslim nations, materialistic culture and…