Christians, Stay Away

Faithful families can plan on fewer activities at public pools, libraries, and summer camps

Over at The Federalist, author Joy Pullmann’s article “The Left Has Effectively Banned Christian Kids From Public Pools, Libraries, And Summer Camps” paints a picture of what beleaguered Christian parents have to look forward to this summer (May 23). Pullmann’s description of interactions with formerly benign groups like 4-H leaves one astounded at the reach of woke ideology. A link to the full article is below, but first a few samples from Pullmann’s essay:

  • A Midwestern 4-H camp’s policy is to room pre-teens and teens by gender identity rather than sex. Presumably if a boy or girl for any reason wants to room with members of the opposite sex, he or she can just declare a novel identity on the sign-up form. What could go wrong?
  • Such a policy exists in a “red county” in a “red state,” with “tax breaks and other government privileges” for the offending organizations supplied by Republican lawmakers and executives.
  • This article subtitle says it all: “Everywhere We Go, Someone Wants to Talk Dirty to My Kids on the Public Dime.”
  • Pullmann reports that her local public library’s shelves are “full of books telling my children lies such as that ‘men can become women’ and ‘some boys have girl brains’ and ‘gender is a social construct.’”
  • Pullmann writes, “All who believe in protecting children from marinating in sexual imagery and ideas everywhere they go are the new underclass in our political regime.” Indeed. To speak up or even to ask questions about supposedly tolerant policies frequently results in one being labeled a bigot.

Perhaps in the coming years some strong Catholic parishes will step up with summer programming that Catholic families can use. In my state there is an excellent Catholic youth summer camp that has enjoyed tremendous growth in the past ten years. Its weeklong camps sell out in minutes, and they have long waitlists.

The link to Pullmann:


Barbara E. Rose is Web Editor of the NOR.

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