Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Cognitive Dissonance

Muddled thinking leads to simultaneous targeting of and awarding CPCs for their service


Life Issues

Last month the L.A. Times ran a piece titled “New law targets crisis pregnancy centers in L.A.” (Nov. 3, B3). It served up a noxious mix: a bloated press release for Mike Feuer, the city attorney, and more lousy journalism from the Times.

To wit: the writers don’t bother to cite any crisis pregnancy center (CPC) staffers or any women whom the centers help; they ignore the telling fact that the abortion industry targets low income women; they witlessly suggest that handing out diapers is the main service CPCs provide when it is, instead, both acute and ongoing personal support of women who choose life.

To wit, again: This month my wife and I recently joined the Missionaries of Charity in celebrating the Silver Anniversary of one of the sisters. It was a celebration of love and service. Lo and behold, while we were there, we saw a “suitable for framing” award the Sisters had just received. Janice Hahn, a county commissioner and abortion supporter, had signed and presented it. The award cited the Missionaries of Charity (in Lynwood, Calif.) for their outstanding civic engagement.

They surely deserve the award! For decades now the Sisters have freely provided crisis pregnancy care to poor women and their preborn babies. And, as the Sisters told me, they see themselves as doing exactly that. They are truly champions of a consistent ethics of life; they are exemplars of people who “tell no lies.”

It occurred to me that just maybe the cognitive dissonance of both targeting and awarding CPCs, if duly noted, might promote some clarification of thought. So I contacted a select group of L.A. Times pundits, City Attorney Mike Feuer, and Commissioner Janice Hahn herself to see if they wanted to “walk back” officialdom’s recent efforts to undermine crisis pregnancy centers. Setting the record straight might just help stop the sharp increase in physical attacks on these centers and the threats to their staff workers.

Well, gentle readers, I haven’t heard back from any of these worthies. But still, writing this blog post on the Feast of St. Lucy, Santa Lucia, I can hope. She is, after all, the Patron Saint of the Blind. Just maybe a sliver of light has pierced the thick fog of the pervasive abortion distortion.


Jim Hanink is an independent scholar, albeit more independent than scholarly!

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