Decide for Yourself
New report reveals high risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy after use of COVID mRNA vaccine
A new article by Aleisha R. Brock and Simon Thornley, published at Science, Public Health Policy, & the Law (at, re-analyzes data used in a CDC report and finds a high risk of miscarriage (also called spontaneous abortion) in early pregnancy after use of a COVID mRNA vaccine. A link is provided below — and since this is an emotionally fraught topic, please read the original! First, some highlights:
- An earlier, influential CDC-sponsored report on the data is said to present “falsely reassuring” statistics because it included pregnant women past 20 weeks, when the risk of miscarriage naturally decreases.
- The authors of the article linked below recalculate the risk of vaccine-related miscarriage “based on the cohort that was exposed to the vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation.”
- Their “re-analysis indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors’ results (p < 0.001) and the typical average for pregnancy loss during this time period.”
- The authors “suggest the immediate withdrawal of mRNA vaccine use in pregnancy (Category X)[41] and those breastfeeding, alongside the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines to children or those of child-bearing age in the general population, until more convincing data relating to the safety and long-term impacts on
fertility, pregnancy and reproduction are established.”
Follow the science.
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